Jean The Queen Real Estate and Mortgage Update. Mortgage Queen on BML June 12th, 2019
Jean The Queen Real Estate and Mortgage Update video duration 2 Minute(s) 23 Second(s), published by Jean Vermillion on 19 11 2012 - 23:11:09. Join the Bmore Lifestyle cast as they sit down the with Mortgage Queen herself Deizshel Setzer!
Shawna MacDonald-Mortgage Broker Shawna MacDonald 506 Queen St
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 0M5 306.384.6353 Scott Trainor Saskatoon Mortgage Broker 506 Queen Street, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0M5 (306) 683-9743 (306)931-3123 (Fax) Join the Bmore Lifestyle cast as they sit down the with Mortgage Queen herself Deizshel Setzer!
Other Video about Jean The Queen Real Estate and Mortgage Update:

Scott Trainor Mortgage Brokers Saskatoon
Scott Trainor Saskatoon Mortgage Broker 506 Queen Street, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0M5 (306) 683-9743 (306)931-3123 (Fax) .
Mortgage Queen on BML June 12th, 2019
Join the Bmore Lifestyle cast as they sit down the with Mortgage Queen herself Deizshel Setzer!
Mortgage Queen on Bmore Lifestyle May 27th, 2019
Join the Bmore Lifestyle cast as they sit down the with Mortgage Queen herself Deizshel Setzer!
Shawna MacDonald-Mortgage Broker
Shawna MacDonald-Mortgage Broker Shawna MacDonald 506 Queen StSaskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 0M5 306.384.6353.
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