Political News & Views: Rep Towns & Subprime Mortgages Pt 2. Rep. Miller: Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act
Political News & Views: Rep Towns & Subprime Mortgages Pt 2 video duration 9 Minute(s) 41 Second(s), published by CongressmanEdTowns on 09 02 2009 - 16:24:31.
In this segment of Political News & Views, Rep
Ed Towns discusses the Subprime Mortgage Crisis with John Hope Bryant and Stacy Tisdale
This is part 2 of 3 RSC Chairman Jeb Hensarling appeared on CNN's Issue #1 on April 23 to discuss the mortgage market and Rep
Barney Frank's bill that would use taxpayer .
The House debates the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act of 2007
The bill is aimed at curbing predatory lending, which has been a major factor RSC Chairman Jeb Hensarling appeared on CNN's Issue #1 on April 23 to discuss the mortgage market and Rep
Barney Frank's bill that would use taxpayer The House debates the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act of 2007
The bill is aimed at curbing predatory lending, which has been a major factor .
In this segment of Political News & Views, Rep. Ed Towns discusses the Subprime Mortgage Crisis with John Hope Bryant and Stacy Tisdale. This is part 2 of 3 of the show.
Other Video about Political News & Views: Rep Towns & Subprime Mortgages Pt 2:
RSC Chairman Hensarling Discusses Potential Mortgage Bailout
RSC Chairman Jeb Hensarling appeared on CNN's Issue #1 on April 23 to discuss the mortgage market and RepBarney Frank's bill that would use taxpayer .
Rep. Miller: Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act
The House debates the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act of 2007The bill is aimed at curbing predatory lending, which has been a major factor .
RSC Chairman Hensarling Discusses Potential Mortgage Bailout
RSC Chairman Jeb Hensarling appeared on CNN's Issue #1 on April 23 to discuss the mortgage market and RepBarney Frank's bill that would use taxpayer .
Rep. Miller: Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act
The House debates the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act of 2007The bill is aimed at curbing predatory lending, which has been a major factor .
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