How much more mortgage can I afford? Tips to quickly increase your borrowing power by 800k

October 30, 2019

How much more mortgage can I afford? Tips to quickly increase your borrowing power by 800k. Property Downturn: Out And About In "Sunny" New Zealand

How much more mortgage can I afford? Tips to quickly increase your borrowing power by 800k video duration 10 Minute(s) 37 Second(s), published by Prosperity Finance_NZ Mortgage Broker on 12 06 2019 - 03:24:02.

How much more mortgage can you afford? How can you maximize your borrowing power? In today's case, we helped a client increase their borrowing capacity The Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ) released their half-year results yesterday, and the picture was pretty bleak with regard to Australian .

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Call Satish 0800 728 474 or text +64274581754 for your Mortgage Needed best mortgage broker auckland mortgage Joe Wilkes visits residential developments in the Bay of Plenty and highlights the massive number of new homes under construction there
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How much more mortgage can you afford? How can you maximize your borrowing power? In today’s case, we helped a client increase their borrowing capacity from 300k to 1.1miliion. This video will help you understand three main factors to calculate your borrowing power that New Zealand banks consider differently, and the banks you might need to try if your loan application get declined by New Zealand major banks.
Learn More:

Video Timeline:
1. Why do some investors have 10 rental properties but I don’t have enough borrowing capacity to buy more myself? 00:14
2. How do you calculate your borrowing power? Three main factors that banks consider differently 01:58
3. Compared to New Zealand’s major banks, what are the other advantages that Bank of China and Select have, except maximising your borrowing capacity? 06:56

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As a financial advisor based in New Zealand (Auckland), we can help you to achieve your financial goals. No matter you are first home buyer, property investor, or looking for buying a commercial property, or if you are a construction builder or developer.

Our key value:
1. We can ensure your assets are under protection by reviewing your loan structure.
2. We offer flexibility to you, which means you will never get stucked into the situation like when you need money while bank cannot offer you the money.
3. We help you save interest and save tax by developing a personalized repayment plan.


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