How to Utilize a Mortgage Conference VLOG #065. How to Utilize a Mortgage Conference VLOG #065
How to Utilize a Mortgage Conference VLOG #065 video duration 3 Minute(s) 51 Second(s), published by Sunil Prasad on 02 03 2019 - 16:00:00.
Stopped by the Canadian Mortgage Broker's Association FUNDAMENTALS19 Conference earlier this week
These conferences aren't typically my cup of tea but I was lucky enough to do a quick webinar for the Legion of Loan Officers, a group on Facebook, talking about how I've used the strategies I've learned for lead .
On this episode, I wanted to document a full day (or as much as I could) of being a mortgage broker and running a mortgage brokerage
I thought it would be an In this video I explain to you the difference between you credit score with Credit Karma and like companies vs Banks or Mortgage Lending (for mortgage loan Stopped by the Canadian Mortgage Broker's Association FUNDAMENTALS19 Conference earlier this week
These conferences aren't typically my cup of tea but .
Stopped by the Canadian Mortgage Broker's Association FUNDAMENTALS19 Conference earlier this week. These conferences aren't typically my cup of tea but thought it was a good opportunity to meet some of the private lenders I deal with and put some faces to names and ALSO utilize my time there in a different way
A big part of going was to get some footage and produce some content to prove how valuable it is to have some sort of a brand on your social media platforms.
Not everyone who goes to a mortgage conference goes for business. To be honest, I think a lot go just to mingle and drink. So I thought bringing a camera along with me this time can show that you can utilize a mortgage conference for other purposes - not just the traditional \
Other Video about How to Utilize a Mortgage Conference VLOG #065:

Credit Karma vs Bank Credit Scores -For mortgage purposes
In this video I explain to you the difference between you credit score with Credit Karma and like companies vs Banks or Mortgage Lending (for mortgage loan .
How to Utilize a Mortgage Conference VLOG #065
Stopped by the Canadian Mortgage Broker's Association FUNDAMENTALS19 Conference earlier this weekThese conferences aren't typically my cup of tea but .

LOLO WEBINAR - Minute Mortgage Vlog 003
I was lucky enough to do a quick webinar for the Legion of Loan Officers, a group on Facebook, talking about how I've used the strategies I've learned for lead .
A Day In The Life - Minute Mortgage Vlog Ep. 004
On this episode, I wanted to document a full day (or as much as I could) of being a mortgage broker and running a mortgage brokerageI thought it would be an .
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