Mortgage Loan Officer Sales Training / How to Sell Higher Rate and Fees than your Competitors

November 06, 2019

Mortgage Loan Officer Sales Training / How to Sell Higher Rate and Fees than your Competitors. Reverse Mortgage Training Testimonials - Doug Vairo

Mortgage Loan Officer Sales Training / How to Sell Higher Rate and Fees than your Competitors video duration 15 Minute(s) , published by @SalesRemastered on 15 12 2017 - 19:32:00.

Dear Mortgage Loan Officers, Bankers, Brokers and Sales Team Managers

Are you noticing with the change in the Market that business is starting to slow For more study aids to pass the NMLS Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) Exam, please checkout out our online course at: or .

How to be Persuasive AF Mortgage Loan Officer Sales Training I have a loyal follower on Instagram that reached out to me asking my opinion on a sales offer If there is ONE video I'd love for you to watch when you prepare for the NMLS exam
it's THIS one
Because: #1: It's reached over 53000 people who want to Listen to the great testimonials from people who have taken Doug Vairo's Reverse Mortgage Class
Doug Vairo, from The Loan Officer Store, offers various .

Dear Mortgage Loan Officers, Bankers, Brokers and Sales Team Managers.
Are you noticing with the change in the Market that business is starting to slow down?
Notice how much of a grind it is now to sell the current market rate?
Are your leads still stuck in the past, asking you for that 2.25% on a 30 year fixed, with no cost?
As if they missed the whole “feds raised the rate again” talk?
I am going to show you a valuable technique on how to sell a Higher Rate and Cost
@salesremastered .
When I originally began as a Loan Officer, it was back in time when MLO’s didn’t need an NMLS number, hell the NMLS wasn’t even a thing at that time, you just needed to know how to sell in order be a “Loan Officer” and that, I can do!
At the ripe young age of 23 years old, I was a Mortgage Loan Officer…
I worked for the 2nd Largest Subprime Lender in the Country selling interest rates that were 3 points higher than the average market rate, and our costs were 3 times higher than the average lender…
Oh, and did I mention my rate was a 2 year fixed, with a 3 year prepayment penalty? 🤯
On top of that, the ARM rate was higher than the going Fixed Rate that had NO prepayment penalty 🤯 🤯
What did we do and say, to get them to buy from us?
One of my original Mentors, Dale Vermillion, led the training for the entire company and I’ll never forget his 8 Video training course that I had to watch for an “entire” 2 days of training, and once I finished the final video, I was considered “ready to hit the phones”.
15 years later, I find myself still using some of the same strategies and concepts he outlined in those Videos, but over the last decade and a half, I’ve modernized it and developed a cleaner and more efficient version that is Remastered for today’s Loan Officer.
Please leave your comments, like and share this video.

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About Me:

Welcome to SalesRemastered, my name is Daniel Nicart and I am the founder and content creator of this Channel.

I have studied the Science of Persuasion, Influence and Selling for over 20 years!

I have been fortunate to learn from the some of the Greatest Mentors of my time on how to properly conduct the Sales Process from Open to Close and now I mentor thousands of Sales Representative across the World!

I have since Discovered an amazing technique that is fused with many lessons adopted from my Mentors but also through rigorous trial and error, revisions and repeat attempts, I have finally perfected the Sales Cycle for Mortgage Loan Officers!

This channel has allowed me to build a community of liked minded Sales Agents, where I share free content to help Loan Officers who simply do not have the right resources they need to Succeed!

To Loan Officers who do not receive adequate support from their Corporate Sales Trainer, modernized support from their Sales Manager and Effective Sales Training that applies to their Industry!

I will teach you how to become a Top Paid Producer in any Rate Market, with any Lead Type, no matter what Rate or Costs are associated, I share with you the Science of Persuasion, Influence and Selling!

If you are fed up with the fluctuation in your income and production, or constantly missing your commission tiers or losing on Rate and Fees to your competitors, then you’ve come to the right place!

If you just want the answers on how to properly handle Rate and Fee objections, how to avoid ‘chasing’ business and how to ease the torturous grind Sales puts your thru… then you should Subscribe and Follow on all Channels @SalesRemastered is on!

You are going to experience a New Enhanced Version of Selling…you are going to see a whole new world where Sales can be made with more ease and less time.

You are going to get your SalesRemastered! Enjoy the Ride and PLEASE Like, Comment and Share any content that you believe is Valuable. I’ll see you inside!

Now let this content help increase your Morale, Motivation, Sales and Income.

I have a Free Sales Script for you to request, now available @

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Video Sting Music Produced by Nick Ngo Bangerz

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