Pros and Cons of a 15 year Mortgage

November 02, 2019

Pros and Cons of a 15 year Mortgage. 15 Year Fixed Mortgage Rates - Reduce Your VA Loan Term and Win Big!

Pros and Cons of a 15 year Mortgage video duration 7 Minute(s) 45 Second(s), published by My Perfect Mortgage on 17 01 2019 - 19:36:20.

Should you be considering a 15-year mortgage in this historically low rate environment? Learn more at Pros and Cons of a 15

Want More Wealth? For a limited time, download my free E-Book on this at: Listen to all of our shows with the Get Rich 15 year mortgage? 30 year mortgage? Conventional? FHA? VA? SO many housing options! In this episode of Allgen's #MoneyMinute, Jason Martin and Paul This video and its contents are not intended for residents or homeowners in the states of MA, NY or WA
15 Year Fixed Mortgage Rates - Reduce Your VA Loan .

Should you be considering a 15-year mortgage in this historically low rate environment? Learn more at

Pros and Cons of a 15 Year Mortgage

A 15-year mortgage costs much less than to borrow money over 30 years.

* Save on the total cost of your mortgage - On a 4% mortgage you could pay nearly 46% less interest expense over the life of your loan.
* 15-year mortgages have a lower interest rate - Considering the fact that 15-year mortgages also have a lower interest rate that savings can be even greater, to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars.
* Less loan level price adjustments and fees

Shorter mortgages naturally will have higher monthly payments than longer-term loans. For example, a 15-year loan for $300,000 at 4% interest has a monthly payment of $2,219, or 55% higher than a 30-year mortgage for the same amount at the same rate.

* Higher payments may limit you to a more modest home
* Higher payments require greater reserves
* Higher payments may force you to forego alternative investments

When you should consider 15 year

* Getting closer to retirement
* Want to create additional financial discipline for yourself
* When you just want the peace of mind of being debt free

When you probably shouldn’t consider a 15 year

* Monthly cash flow is tight
* When you want to invest more in other assets
* When your income fluctuates
* When you have other competing expenses

The Bottom Line

A 15-year mortgage can save you a lot of money. Imagine a $300,000 loan, available at 3.25% for 15 years or at 4% for 30 years. The combined effect of the shorter term and the lower interest rate means that your cost of borrowing for 15 years is only $79,441, compared to $215,609 over 30 years, or nearly two-thirds less.

Learn More:

Other Video about Pros and Cons of a 15 year Mortgage:

Should I Get a 15 or 30 Year Mortgage?

Should I Get a 15 or 30 Year Mortgage?

15 year mortgage? 30 year mortgage? Conventional? FHA? VA? SO many housing options! In this episode of Allgen's #MoneyMinute, Jason Martin and Paul .

15 Year Fixed Mortgage Rates - Reduce Your VA Loan Term and Win Big!

15 Year Fixed Mortgage Rates - Reduce Your VA Loan Term and Win Big!

This video and its contents are not intended for residents or homeowners in the states of MA, NY or WA
15 Year Fixed Mortgage Rates - Reduce Your VA Loan .



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30-Year Vs. 15-Year Mortgage - What’s Best?

Want More Wealth? For a limited time, download my free E-Book on this at: Listen to all of our shows with the Get Rich .

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