20 year fixed rate mortgage!? YouTube disgusting sales tricks. Your local Mortgage guy gives you the best tricks to get a home mortgage.
20 year fixed rate mortgage!? YouTube disgusting sales tricks video duration 3 Minute(s) 20 Second(s), published by Isaac Dueñas on 23 08 2019 - 01:48:39.
Why people lie in YouTube? A lot of loan officers use sales tactics to sell mortgages
#20yearmortgage #refinance #mortgage #loanofficer Subscribe and hit the Mortgage Calculator https://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/finance-and-investing/mortgage-loan-insurance/homebuying-calculators/mortgage-calculator.
These video's are meant to be helpful to home buyers
Some will be more in depth than others
Some of the video's will have humor
It helps to keep a sense of . These video's are meant to be helpful to home buyers
Some will be more in depth than others
Some of the video's will have humor
It helps to keep a sense of .
Why people lie in YouTube? A lot of loan officers use sales tactics to sell mortgages.
#20yearmortgage #refinance #mortgage #loanofficer
Subscribe and hit the bell! https://www.youtube.com/c/IsaacDue%C3%B1as
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Licensing and disclaimers: My 📝NMLS# 1794787
Nations Lending Corporation; NMLS #32416; Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org; AL – Lic#21248; AK – Lic# AK32416 & Lic# AK32416-1; AR – LIC# 103575; AZ – Mortgage Banker License #0928798 & Lic# 0937836 & Lic# 0938121; CA – Licensed by the Department of Business Oversight, Division of Corporations under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act Lic# 4131343; CO – Regulated by the Division of Real Estate, 773-290-0505; CT – Lic# ML-32416; DE – Lic# 9421; DC – Lic# MLB32416; FL – Lic# MLD1142; GA – Residential Mortgage Licensee #30758; HI – Lic# HI-32416; ID – Lic# MBL-8404; IL – Residential Mortgage Licensee – James R. Thompson Center, IDFPR-Residential Mortgage Banking, 100 W. Randolph, 9th Floor, Chicago, Illinois, 60601, 844 768-1713 Lic# MB.6760494; IN – Lic# 15487; IA – Lic# 2011-0036 & Lic# 2014-0085 & Lic# 2016-0086; KS – Licensed Mortgage Company – Lic# MC.0025075; KY – Mortgage Company License MC292120; LA – Lic# 32416; ME – Lic# SLM11750; MD – Lic# 06-12186; MA – Mortgage Lender and Mortgage Broker Licenses #32416; MI – Lic# FR0019200 & Lic# SR0021069; MN – Lic# MN-MO-20490001 & Lic# MN-MO-32416.1 & Lic# MN-MO-32416.2; MS – Mississippi Licensed Mortgage Company, Lic# 32416; MT – Mortgage Broker and Lender License #32416; NE – Lic# – NE32416; NH – Nations Lending Corporation, d.b.a. Nations Lending of Ohio, Licensed by New Hampshire Banking Department – Lic# 13401-MB; NJ – Licensed by New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance; NM – Lic# 32416; NY – Pending; NC – Lic# L-141022; ND – Lic# MB102578; OH – Lic # MB.803080.000 & Lic# SM.502028.000; OK – Mortgage Broker and Lender Licensee Lic# ML010240 & ML011106 & ML011125; OR – Lic# ML-4015; PA – Licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities Lic# 32975; RI – Rhode Island Licensed Broker and Lender Licensee Lic# 20143006LL & Lic# 20143007LB; SC – South Carolina Licensed mortgage Broker and Lender Lic# MLS – 32416 & MLS – 32416 OYN #1 & MLB – 32416 OTN #2; SD – Lic# ML.04896; TN – Lic# 112723; TX – Licensed Mortgage Banker & Licensed Residential Mortgage Loan Servicer – Texas Department of Savings & Mortgage Lending; UT – UTA-DRE Mortgage Entity Licensee Lic#6870689 & Lic # 9836458; VT – Lender and Broker Licensee Lic#6549 & Lic# 6733 & Lic# 6925 & Lic# 1375MB & Lic# 1376MB & Lic# 1377MB; VA – Licensed by Virginia State Corporation Commission, License # MC-3449; WA – Lic# CL-32416; WV – Licensed Mortgage Broker and Lender Lic MB-23102 & ML-30460; WI – Licensed as Mortgage Banker and Broker Lic# 32416BA & Lic# 32416BR; WY – Lic# 2155
Nations Lending Corporation d.b.a. Nations Lending, NLC Loans, Mortgage Pros at Nations Lending Corporation, NEO Purchase Team at Nations Lending, Nations Lending of Ohio, The Pence Team at Nations Lending, Epic Mortgage Guy, Ohio Purchase Team at Nations Lending, EastTexasLending.com,The NEO Purchase Team at NLC Loans. Nations Lending is an Equal Housing Lender.
Nations Lending Corporation; NMLS #32416; Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org;
Consumers wishing to file a complaint against a company or a residential mortgage loan originator should complete and send a complaint form to the Texas Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending, 2601 North Lamar, Suite 201, Austin, Texas 78705. Complaint forms and instructions may be obtained from the Department’s website at www.sml.Texas.gov. A toll-free consumer hotline is available at 1-877-276-5550. The department maintains a recovery fund to make payments of certain actual out of pocket damages sustained by borrowers caused by acts of licensed mortgage banker residential mortgage loan originators. A written application for reimbursement from the recovery fund must be filed with and investigated by the department prior to the payment of a claim. For more information about the recovery fund, please consult the department’s website at www.sml.texas.gov
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Your local Mortgage guy gives you the best tricks to get a home mortgage.
These video's are meant to be helpful to home buyersSome will be more in depth than others
Some of the video's will have humor
It helps to keep a sense of .

Mortgage Tips and tricks I CMHC maths
Mortgage Calculator https://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/finance-and-investing/mortgage-loan-insurance/homebuying-calculators/mortgage-calculator.
Your local Mortgage guy gives you the best tricks.
These video's are meant to be helpful to home buyersSome will be more in depth than others
Some of the video's will have humor
It helps to keep a sense of .
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