Reverse Mortgages Are SCAMS!. Foreclosure training: Loan modification scams and common claims
Reverse Mortgages Are SCAMS! video duration 8 Minute(s) 10 Second(s), published by The Dave Ramsey Show on 11 04 2018 - 22:00:01.
Avoid finding yourself in the wrong type of mortgage
Discover your mortgage options: SUMMARY In this video, Dave rants about reverse This training for attorneys by Nick Wooten focuses on litigation against mortgage servicers
This is part 1 of 6.
Real Estate Attorney Rick Carter, Para Legal Extraordinaire Kathy Holtshouser and Comedian Tony V are joined by Wil Daly to discuss mortgages: • Wil is from Andrew Duncan, the #1 RE/MAX Agent in Florida and #4 in the U.S., talks with Mike Yates from Atlantic Bay Mortgage about This training for attorneys by Nick Wooten focuses on litigation against mortgage servicers
This is part 1 of 6.
Avoid finding yourself in the wrong type of mortgage. Discover your mortgage options:
In this video, Dave rants about reverse mortgages and the risks involved with them. He reads from a Washington Post article (linked below) that discusses a 92-year-old woman in Washington D.C. who has a failing reverse mortgage and is facing foreclosure on her home. This is a problem that an increasing number of seniors in America are facing.
Reverse Mortgages Explained:
What is a reverse mortgage? A reverse mortgage is a federally owned mortgage that allows cash-strapped seniors to borrow against the equity their house has built up over the decades.
How does a reverse mortgage work? A reverse mortgage is just like a regular mortgage, but instead of making payments on your home’s principal, you take payments from the equity you’ve built.
What are the disadvantages of reverse mortgages? There are three main reverse mortgage disadvantages: you’re giving away your net worth, you’ll have extra costs on everything, and you’ll likely end up owing more than your home is worth—which means you could eventually lose your home altogether.
Should I get a reverse mortgage? Dave warns that you should never get a reverse mortgage. With interest rates doubled and foreclosure rates constantly rising, it’s never a good idea to get a reverse mortgage.
Learn more about reverse mortgages:
Want to hear more of what Dave has to say? Listen to a caller ask Dave about reverse mortgages:
Read the Washington Post article here:
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Other Video about Reverse Mortgages Are SCAMS!:
Common Real estate Scams in Tampa Bay Florida as discussed on 970AM WFLA Duncan Duo Andrew Duncan, the #1 RE/MAX Agent in Florida and #4 in the U.S., talks with Mike Yates from Atlantic Bay Mortgage about .Foreclosure training: Loan modification scams and common claims
This training for attorneys by Nick Wooten focuses on litigation against mortgage servicersThis is part 1 of 6.
Foreclosure training: Loan modification scams and common claims
This training for attorneys by Nick Wooten focuses on litigation against mortgage servicersThis is part 1 of 6.
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