Discount Points (for a Mortgage)

July 09, 2019

Discount Points (for a Mortgage). Mortgage Payments (21)

Discount Points (for a Mortgage) video duration 9 Minute(s) 59 Second(s), published by Edspira on 20 03 2015 - 16:36:30.

This video explains what discount points are for a mortgage
It discusses how discount points are essentially prepaid interest that gets the lender to reduce the How to use the monthly payment formula for mortgages/loans with fixed interest rates.

096 105 In this video I go over in extreme detail the calculations used in our Mortgage Calculator and manually calculate each output to ensure that all calculations are

This video explains what discount points are for a mortgage. It discusses how discount points are essentially prepaid interest that gets the lender to reduce the interest rate. A comprehensive example is provided to demonstrate how discount points are calculated, and a formula is presented to show how the break-even point can be computed in determining how long the homeowner would need to own the home before the cost paid in discount points would be recovered.

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Edspira is the creation of Michael McLaughlin, who went from teenage homelessness to a PhD. The goal of Michael's life is to increase access to education so all people can achieve their dreams. To learn more about Michael's story, visit

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Other Video about Discount Points (for a Mortgage):

Mortgage Calculator Tutorial:

Mortgage Calculator Tutorial:

In this video I go over in extreme detail the calculations used in our Mortgage Calculator and manually calculate each output to ensure that all calculations are .

Mortgage Payments (21)

Mortgage Payments (21)

Mortgage Calculator

Mortgage Calculator

How to use the monthly payment formula for mortgages/loans with fixed interest rates.



096 105.

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