Mortgage Relief Scams Real estate fraud and scams

July 20, 2019

Mortgage Relief Scams Real estate fraud and scams Mortgage Foreclosure Scams

Mortgage Relief Scams Real estate fraud and scams video duration 45 Second(s), published by Ventura County Real Estate Fraud Advisory Team on 04 05 2016 - 02:40:40.

The Real Estate Fraud Advisory Team (REFAT) is a unique collaboration between the Ventura County District Attorney's Real Estate Fraud Unit and Ventura Second in a Three-Video Series about identifying and fighting foreclosure rescue scams and loan modification scams
Though not as common when housing .

Ilyce Glink gives tips on avoiding common mortgage refinance scams on today's Real Estate Minute
Common refinance scams include phony counseling Ilyce Glink gives tips on avoiding common mortgage refinance scams on today's Real Estate Minute
Common refinance scams include phony counseling Mortgage foreclosure is the sale of your house by your lender when you do not make your loan or mortgage payments
This video describes different scams you .

The Real Estate Fraud Advisory Team (REFAT) is a unique collaboration between the Ventura County District Attorney’s Real Estate Fraud Unit and Ventura County real estate professionals. The combined knowledge and expertise of these volunteer team members help identify the types of frauds taking place and keep on top of the ever changing tactics of scammers who seek to take advantage of Ventura County residents.

Other Video about Mortgage Relief Scams Real estate fraud and scams

How to Avoid Common Mortgage Refinance Scams

How to Avoid Common Mortgage Refinance Scams

Ilyce Glink gives tips on avoiding common mortgage refinance scams on today's Real Estate Minute
Common refinance scams include phony counseling .

Mortgage Foreclosure Scams

Mortgage Foreclosure Scams

Mortgage foreclosure is the sale of your house by your lender when you do not make your loan or mortgage payments
This video describes different scams you .

Foreclosure Rescue Scams, Part 2

Foreclosure Rescue Scams, Part 2

Second in a Three-Video Series about identifying and fighting foreclosure rescue scams and loan modification scams
Though not as common when housing .

How to Avoid Common Mortgage Refinance Scams

How to Avoid Common Mortgage Refinance Scams

Ilyce Glink gives tips on avoiding common mortgage refinance scams on today's Real Estate Minute
Common refinance scams include phony counseling .

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