Mortgage vs Credit Card Debt!. Mortgage Broker vs Bank: Who's the Best?
Mortgage vs Credit Card Debt! video duration 5 Minute(s) 31 Second(s), published by Andrew Finney Team on 16 08 2019 - 15:59:58.
We all know of bad debt, but what good debt? Is there such thing? Let's take a look at mortgage vs credit card debt to find out see how these types of debt impact RealEstate #RealEstateMarket #Mortgage Big Bank vs Mortgage Broker vs a Direct Lender - What's the difference? Jeb Smith of Coldwell Banker Residential .
Mortgage! Home Loans! Learn the "Home Loan Process! Mortgage loan! How to qualify for a mortgage loan & get an easy home loan approval! Simple How does the VA Mortgage stack up to the Conventioanal Mortgage
Check out this video and learn about how they compare MORTGAGE BROKER vs BANK: Who's the Best? In this episode Angelo discusses when looking to get a mortgage loan who you talk to? What is the difference .
We all know of bad debt, but what good debt? Is there such thing? Let's take a look at mortgage vs credit card debt to find out see how these types of debt impact us.
In practice, I share with my clients to simply #JTAB = Just Take a Breath it'll be alright as we move forward together. Remember, FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real. What's the best way to replace FEAR? With knowledge and you're doing that right now. Kudos!
What you'll learn:
1. Types of Debt!
2. Good Debt vs Bad Debt!
3. Types of Good Debts and Types of Bad Debts!
NOTE: To adjust video speed for your listening/ viewing pleasure, please use the settings icon on the bottom right of your screen. It looks like a gear. =)
1. 0:50 - Type of Debts: Good vs Bad! #TypeofDebts
2. 1:28 - What is the definition of good debt?
3. 1:38 - Bad debt definition!
4. 1:48 - About your Revolving Balance!
5. 3:00 - Why a high credit card utilization rate is bad!
6. 3:52 - So what about installment loans?
7. 4:47 - What are some examples of good debt?
Thank you for watching! =)
Enjoy an amazing day!
Andrew Finney
Disclaimers/ Credits:
At the time of production, Andrew Finney, S.0173260, is a real estate salesperson with King Realty Group in Las Vegas, NV.
Andrew's videos are his own and do not necessarily represent the views and/ or opinions of KRG.
The purpose of Andrew's videos are to educate you and help you make sense of the real estate process. If you have questions about home loans, real estate, taxes, financial advice, real estate law, insurance, professional trades, or any other services where you live, you are advised to reach out to the appropriate professional for further counsel about your own unique situation.
Video Inspiration:
Awesome Music Courtesy of:
Song: Syn Cole - Feel Good [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyRightSounds.
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Other Video about Mortgage vs Credit Card Debt!:

VA vs Conventional Mortgage Loan- How They Compare How does the VA Mortgage stack up to the Conventioanal MortgageCheck out this video and learn about how they compare.

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MORTGAGE BROKER vs BANK: Who's the Best? In this episode Angelo discusses when looking to get a mortgage loan who you talk to? What is the difference .
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