's Mortgage and Economics Report for the Week of November 21, 2013. Shane Suepaul, president of the Mortgage Brokers Association of Ontario's Mortgage and Economics Report for the Week of November 21, 2013 video duration 7 Minute(s) 23 Second(s), published by on 25 11 2013 - 18:24:57.
In this week's Mortgage and Economic Report from, we saw the mortgage rates make a turnaround
As we continue to see stronger Source: They aim to be the preeminent organization representing the .
The Mortgage Bankers Association The Mortgage Bankers Association in the United states national association representing all facets to the real estate finance The Mortgage Bankers Association says there has been an increase in lending to people with lower credit scores
As Diana Olick reports for NBR, it may be They aim to be the preeminent organization representing the mortgage brokerage industry in .
In this week's Mortgage and Economic Report from, we saw the mortgage rates make a turnaround. As we continue to see stronger economic data released, it seems that the economy is getting better, but with the continuation of the quantitative easing program, the mortgage rates will stay low for a while. This week we will be discussing the following:
0:17 This week's mortgage rates
0:55 What happened in the financial markets
2:18 A look at two housing market reports
3:32 A look at two government economic indicator reports
4:33 Where Americans' confidence in the economy is at
5:19 Two mortgage application reports from the Mortgage Bankers Association
Other Video about's Mortgage and Economics Report for the Week of November 21, 2013:

Rising Mortgage Rates, Easier Credit? (8/5/13)
The Mortgage Bankers Association says there has been an increase in lending to people with lower credit scoresAs Diana Olick reports for NBR, it may be .

Shane Suepaul, president of the Mortgage Brokers Association of Ontario They aim to be the preeminent organization representing the mortgage brokerage industry in .
Shane Suepaul, president of the Mortgage Brokers Association of Ontario
Source: They aim to be the preeminent organization representing the .
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