Can a teacher qualify for a USDA loan after changing school districts?

September 30, 2019

Can a teacher qualify for a USDA loan after changing school districts?. Can you build a home on your own lot with a USDA loan?

Can a teacher qualify for a USDA loan after changing school districts? video duration 2 Minute(s) 48 Second(s), published by Metroplex Mortgage Services on 02 08 2019 - 18:10:48. Can a teacher qualify for a USDA loan after Are USDA home loans truly 100% financing? Learn three things you need to know about USDA home loans! CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE ADDRESS .

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Francisco R Fernandez NMLS # 1630827 American Banchare Mortgage Can you build a home on your own lot with a USDA .

Can a teacher qualify for a USDA loan after changing school districts?

Can a teacher qualify for a USDA loan if they are changing school districts? Are you able to close on a home after a teaching contract has been signed, but before your first day of school? In today’s video I will explain the facts and show you how a USDA loan can help teachers purchase a home.

And if you have not yet done so, feel free to download our newest “USDA Blueprint” with the link below. This free guide is designed to help walk you through the USDA process step-by-step and is a great educational resource for both homebuyers and their agents. – Without further, let’s get started with the details!

There can be tremendous excitement after one has accepted an offer to start a new position, but many times that quickly turns to frustration when trying to coordinate moving, purchasing a home, preparing for the first day on the job, and when the first pay date will be in order to verify income.

Fortunately, we have worked with these situations before and are able to confirm that USDA guidelines offer flexibility for certain professions where employment is accompanied by a firm offer letter along with meeting other terms.

In situations where an applicant is moving to a new employer and has a contract or offer to start employment within 60 days of loan closing, USDA guidelines will permit this scenario to be eligible provided the underwriter determines the applicant has reserves available post loan closing to cover all monthly liability payments and the new mortgage obligation until employment begins.

An example of this situation would be a teacher changing school districts who is staying within the same profession where we are able to document both current and previous employment.

Additionally, remember that if the applicant is not going to be on the new job by loan closing, then we must document the required reserves mentioned, but if the applicant will be on their new job by loan closing then a pay stub will be required.

Lastly, because USDA guidelines will require at least one year of employment history in order to use base wages, previous employment history will also need to be verified.

In summary, it can be possible for a teacher to qualify for a USDA loan if they are changing school districts and also be able to close on a home after a teaching contract has been signed provided certain requirements are met.

As a USDA approved lender, we are here to help. Just call or email to discuss your scenario and let us show you the “Metroplex” difference!
Download our FREE USDA Blueprint for Success!


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