VA Loan Tips: How Switching to a 15-Year Mortgage Can Save You Big

September 28, 2019

VA Loan Tips: How Switching to a 15-Year Mortgage Can Save You Big. The Pros and Cons of a 30-year vs 15-year Refinance Ask a Lender

VA Loan Tips: How Switching to a 15-Year Mortgage Can Save You Big video duration 2 Minute(s) 9 Second(s), published by Low VA Rates on 21 12 2017 - 23:20:12.

This video and its contents are not intended for residents or home owners in the states of MA, NY or WA
VA Loan Tips: How Switching to a 15-Year Mortgage In many situations, paying off your mortgage early could potentially be costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars…and I'll run the numbers to show this based .

The Informed Investor: - I Reveal My $100000+ Stock Portfolio and Every Trade I Make! When comparing a 15 year vs 30 Is a 15 year or 30 year mortgage loan right for you? Money expert Clark Howard wants to help you keep more money in your pocket
Your mortgage length can When you're ready to refinance, understand the pros and cons of a 30-year mortgage compared to a 15-year loan
#BorrowWisely Read the Full Article Here: .

This video and its contents are not intended for residents or home owners in the states of MA, NY or WA.

VA Loan Tips: How Switching to a 15-Year Mortgage Can Save You Big 844-326-3305

Some homebuyers go with 30-year mortgages because the monthly payment is smaller than for 15-year loans. But did you know that this is only the case because you’re paying off the loan over a longer period of time? Because of different aspects of the 15-year loan, switching from a 30-year to a 15-year could save you thousands of dollars in interest. In this video, loan expert and president of Low VA Rates describes three ways you could save by simply reducing your loan term.

To learn more about switching your mortgage to a shorter term or to start the process, give us a call today at 844-326-3305.

Thanks for watching and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more mortgage saving tips!

Low VA Rates
Address: 384 S 400 W, Lindon, UT 84042
Phone: (866) 569-8272 #VAhomeloan

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How long should your mortgage be?

Is a 15 year or 30 year mortgage loan right for you? Money expert Clark Howard wants to help you keep more money in your pocket
Your mortgage length can .

The Pros and Cons of a 30-year vs 15-year Refinance  Ask a Lender

The Pros and Cons of a 30-year vs 15-year Refinance Ask a Lender

When you're ready to refinance, understand the pros and cons of a 30-year mortgage compared to a 15-year loan
#BorrowWisely Read the Full Article Here: .

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PSA: Why it’s a BAD IDEA to pay down your mortgage early!

In many situations, paying off your mortgage early could potentially be costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars…and I'll run the numbers to show this based .



The Informed Investor: - I Reveal My $100000+ Stock Portfolio and Every Trade I Make! When comparing a 15 year vs 30 .

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