Mortgage Protection Program – Let’s Get Down to Business Part 5 of 5. Pay CMHC mortgage insurance or save 20% down payment?
Mortgage Protection Program – Let’s Get Down to Business Part 5 of 5 video duration 10 Minute(s) 4 Second(s), published by Let's get down to business on 21 02 2019 - 19:18:45.
Sub Headline: Your Home is Your Biggest Asset, Your Mortgage Your Biggest Debt Synopsis: Almost every home owner has a mortgage
No home owner wants Phone: 424.354.5325 NMLS ID # 262951 Bill Rayman, Vice President of Mortgage .
Jumbo home loan 95 percent financing
Low down payment options for home buyers in San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento Sub Headline: Your Home is Your Biggest Asset, Your Mortgage Your Biggest Debt Synopsis: Almost every home owner has a mortgage
No home owner wants Hi, Ryan Zupan here with the Mortgage Centre City Wide
Last week, we talked about mortgage insurance, what it is & what the .
Sub Headline: Your Home is Your Biggest Asset, Your Mortgage Your Biggest Debt
Synopsis: Almost every home owner has a mortgage. No home owner wants to pay one more dime for their monthly payment, but they also don’t have the time to do the research to determine the best mortgages in the market place. Mortgage Protection Program, part 5 in the series The Top 5 Insurance Strategies for Consumers with Randy Pierson, interviewed by talk show host, syndicated financial columnist and popular platform speaker, Steve Savant.
Content: Financial advisers and insurance agents rarely address their clients’ mortgage payments, interest rates or their insurance premium to protect the bread winners in case of disability or death. People are looking for assistance in analyzing their overall indebtedness. In fact, consumers are seeking advice on debt issues more than they are seeking guidance on their assets under management.
In general terms there are four categories of mortgagees: DINKS (dual income no kids), DIRKS (dual income raising kids), SINKS (single income no kids) or SIRKS (single income raising kids). Mortgages are predicated on the income of one or two spouses. Cultural change has occurred in America, and women are now fully integrated into the workplace. So, mortgages are predicted on two incomes. Protecting the lifestyle of the family at large requires scenarios to cover one or two deaths.
Shopping for the best deal generally means defaulting to your local bank who carries your mortgage or “stalking” online virtual banks in hope of a better deal. Financial professionals are slowly coming into the mortgage protection market as part of their overall services to consumers. Some have become trained to qualify as a mortgage protection specialist.
Online information and direct mail have proven that consumers respond to this area more than any other money matter. Reducing their mortgage payment and/or securing mortgage protection is a significant item in the minds of mortgagees. It’s important to keep the domestic budget efficient and your mortgage is a good place to start.
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Syndicated financial columnist, talk show host and popular platform speaker Steve Savant interviews chief marketing officer Randy Pierson on The Top 5 Insurance Strategies for Consumers. Let’s Get Down to Business is an hour-long financial talk show for financial professionals distributed online in 5 ten-minute video press releases Monday through Friday on, distributors to media outlets, social media networks and industry portals. ( (
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Mortgage Protection Program – Let’s Get Down to Business Part 5 of 5
Sub Headline: Your Home is Your Biggest Asset, Your Mortgage Your Biggest Debt Synopsis: Almost every home owner has a mortgageNo home owner wants .

Pay CMHC mortgage insurance or save 20% down payment? Hi, Ryan Zupan here with the Mortgage Centre City WideLast week, we talked about mortgage insurance, what it is & what the .

5% Down Using FHA or Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI). Details Phone: 424.354.5325 NMLS ID # 262951 Bill Rayman, Vice President of Mortgage .
California 5 Percent Down Jumbo Mortgage
Jumbo home loan 95 percent financingLow down payment options for home buyers in San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento.
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