What is Occupancy Fraud? Mortgage Underwriter Red Flags Brian Martucci Mortgage Lender. The main items a mortgage Underwriter looks for.
What is Occupancy Fraud? Mortgage Underwriter Red Flags Brian Martucci Mortgage Lender video duration 4 Minute(s) 11 Second(s), published by Brian Martucci, Mortgage Lending, getloans.com on 05 02 2016 - 18:29:50.
http://www.GetLoans.com Explaining occupancy fraud as it relates to mortgage underwriting, while walking on the beach in Manhattan Beach CA
Occupancy Sue Erzinger,Mortgage Underwriter for Premier Community Bank, talks about what an Underwriter does and what having an in-house Underwriter means for .
The Mortgage Update YouTube Channel link: APPLY NOW https://secure-apps.smartapp1003.com/206632/?loanofficerid=209743 FREE CREDIT SCORE 5 Items an Underwriter Will Review for Loan Approval
http://www.GetLoans.com Explaining occupancy fraud as it relates to mortgage underwriting, while walking on the beach in Manhattan Beach CA. Occupancy fraud is when someone says they are going to live in the property as their primary residence when they really have no intention of living in the property as their primary residence. Instead, they really are going to rent it as a rental property. Why? Because you will get a lower interest rate buying a property as a primary residence as opposed to a rental property. So, there is a financial incentive.
An underwriter is skilled in looking for mortgage occupancy fraud. Brian explains the things an underwriter looks for:
1. A buy down in value
2. Geography
3. Driver's license
Underwriters are looking at loans much more closely these days and occupancy fraud is one of the biggest things they look out for. You'd be surprised how much this happens. Is someone trying to beat the system to get a lower interest rate than they deserve when they have every intention of renting a property out?
Get to know Brian Martucci, a mortgage lender serving all 50 states and Washington D.C. Visit Brian's blog today for valuable insights into the mortgage industry, home-buying advice, and mortgage loan information: http://www.GetLoans.com/Blog
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Brian Martucci is a mortgage lender with a proven track record of helping his clients in mortgage success. Visit Brian's website to get started with a home loan today! http://www.GetLoans.com
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5 Items an Underwriter Will Review for Loan Approval
5 Items an Underwriter Will Review for Loan Approval.
The main items a mortgage Underwriter looks for.

What Is An Underwriter
Sue Erzinger,Mortgage Underwriter for Premier Community Bank, talks about what an Underwriter does and what having an in-house Underwriter means for .
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