What is rate lock? Hunter Home Loan

October 11, 2019

What is rate lock? Hunter Home Loan. When should you Lock in your Mortgage Interest Rate?

What is rate lock? Hunter Home Loan video duration 54 Second(s), published by Hunter Home Loan Team on 27 02 2019 - 17:34:27.

Rate locks are in reference to your interest rate on your mortgage
A rate lock or, locking your rate is using the current day's interest rate for your loan
Rate locks What happens if my rate lock expires?

What is meant by the term, “locking my interest rate?” And then, when and how do I lock my interest rate? Locking your interest rate refers to guaranteeing a Oleg Tkach NMLS #: 90937 Branch Manager Guild Mortgage Company Cell Phone: (425) 4787676 Fax: (425) 9532918 olegt@guildmortgage.net Even a slight difference in your mortgage interest rate can affect your mortgage in the long run
So, in this video, we are explaining how important timing can be .

Rate locks are in reference to your interest rate on your mortgage. A rate lock or, locking your rate is using the current day's interest rate for your loan. Rate locks can also be done in multiple time periods, oh, 360, wow. So, once you lock in, and if the rate go up, you'll still pay the rate you originally settled on.
Now, there are things that can possibly change your interest rate after it's locked, that are not related to market change.

That’s it for your Mortgage Minute, more questions?
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FL-LO28056, GA-45810 Movement Mortgage, LLC supports Equal Housing Opportunity. NMLS ID# 39179 (www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org) 877-314-1499. Movement Mortgage, LLC is licensed by FL # MLD200 & MLD1360, GA # 23002. Interest rates and products are subject to change without notice and may or may not be available at the time of loan commitment or lock-in. Borrowers must qualify at closing for all benefits. “Movement Mortgage” is a registered trademark of the Movement Mortgage, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. 8024 Calvin Hall Rd, Indian Land, SC 29707. Jason Hunter NMLS# 659645

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Protect yourself against rising mortgage rates. The Lock & Shop Program.

Protect yourself against rising mortgage rates. The Lock & Shop Program.

Oleg Tkach NMLS #: 90937 Branch Manager Guild Mortgage Company Cell Phone: (425) 4787676 Fax: (425) 9532918 olegt@guildmortgage.net .

When should you Lock in your Mortgage Interest Rate?

When should you Lock in your Mortgage Interest Rate?

Even a slight difference in your mortgage interest rate can affect your mortgage in the long run
So, in this video, we are explaining how important timing can be .

Mortgage Minute from Joe Soto - Rate Lock Expiration

Mortgage Minute from Joe Soto - Rate Lock Expiration

What happens if my rate lock expires?

Locking in your Interest Rate

Locking in your Interest Rate

What is meant by the term, “locking my interest rate?” And then, when and how do I lock my interest rate? Locking your interest rate refers to guaranteeing a .

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