Art of Mortgage Marketing: How to Stop Worrying and Start Winning. Movement Mortgage Marketing, Design & Branding Highlights
Art of Mortgage Marketing: How to Stop Worrying and Start Winning video duration 31 Minute(s) 1 Second(s), published by Mortgage Marketing Coach on 09 05 2019 - 23:21:38.
For more information, visit: Worry affects everyone at some point
However, rather than allowing it to control us, we Why Facebook Marketing is so Important for Mortgage Loan Officers Facebook is no doubt the most powerful Social Media site for loan officers to target and .
For more information, visit: Most of the barriers to our success lie in our own mindsets
What thoughts and beliefs hold Listen to the full episode here Get to know Movement Mortgage's unique culture, through the eyes of its industry-leading marketing department.
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Worry affects everyone at some point. However, rather than allowing it to control us, we should take measures to eliminate worry before it has too big an impact. What can you do today to stop worrying and start winning? What are the steps you can take now to avoid causing yourself anxiety that stops you from achieving your goals? On this episode, I explain what the CAR method is, and why you need to start using it.
The best way to start winning is by investing in yourself. -Doren Aldana
Claim your victory in advance. Through affirmations and visualization, you can take the first step towards achieving your dreams simply by willing them to happen.
Accept total responsibility for what’s in your control right now. Your thinking, action, habits, and focus are all things you have the power to change. They also have a direct impact on your business.
Roll with winners. Who you spend time with says a lot about you, so make sure the people closest to you are successful in their own lives.
At the start of the episode, I mention that worry is something all of us have experienced. I then shared a story of how I allowed someone else’s treatment of me define my actions and behavior. Noticing this was a turning point for me- and should be for you, too. Don’t allow external factors cloud your mindset and fool you into thinking you don’t have what it takes.
I also discussed:
- How you can start visualizing your dreams today
- The need to cultivate success by design- nothing happens by accident
- Why you need to invest in yourself and how to do it
Your mind is an exceptionally powerful tool. Your mindset determines whether you’ll succumb to external factors and other people’s treatment of you, or if you’ll succeed regardless of the noise. Pay attention to what you can do, and what you will. The only way you’ll be able to stop worrying and start winning is by consciously deciding to invest in yourself and expressing gratitude for the things you’ve not yet achieved. If you can do that, you’re one step closer to mastering the art of marketing.
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Movement Mortgage Marketing, Design & Branding Highlights
Get to know Movement Mortgage's unique culture, through the eyes of its industry-leading marketing department.
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Why Facebook Marketing is so Important for Mortgage Loan Officers Facebook is no doubt the most powerful Social Media site for loan officers to target and .
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For more information, visit: Most of the barriers to our success lie in our own mindsetsWhat thoughts and beliefs hold .
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