Beware of Loan Modification Scams: Don't Get Taken Just Because You are Facing Foreclosure. Phishing scams targeting mortgages and home buyers
Beware of Loan Modification Scams: Don't Get Taken Just Because You are Facing Foreclosure video duration 2 Minute(s) 12 Second(s), published by Saedi Law Group, LLC on 31 01 2019 - 03:13:06.
We are seeing an increase in clients who have been scammed by loan modification companies claiming to assist in stopping foreclosures
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We are seeing an increase in clients who have been scammed by loan modification companies claiming to assist in stopping foreclosures. Whatever you do, make sure you don't pay anyone money upfront for a loan modification. You can make the request for the modification yourself and if you need assistance you can contact reputable agencies like NACA who can guide you through the process.
What a Loan Modification Is:
Homeowners who fall behind on their mortgages have several options to avoid losing their homes. One of those options is loan modification. A loan modification plan permanently restructures a mortgage by changing its terms. Those terms include a reduction of the interest rate and/or monthly payment. In some RARE cases a loan modification may reduce the principle balance owed on the loan.
Loan modifications can also entail conversion of the interest rate to one that is more financially feasible for the homeowner. For example, the modification might convert the rate from fixed to variable. Some modification plans may also extend the length of the term of the loan.
Eligibility requirements include showing proving financial hardship. Homeowners may have to provide their lender with documentation of that hardship.
If a loan modification company asks for ANY fee upfront you need to run away fast!
Perhaps the most prevalent scam entails an agency or sometimes even a lawyer. They promise to help the homeowner obtain a loan modification for an upfront fee. Homeowners can receive assistance for FREE by simply contacting the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
These scammers will tell the homeowner to sign a document giving them permission to speak to the mortgage company and then have them give them money (supposedly to negotiate with). Eventually the homeowner gets a foreclosure notice and the scammer tells them that they tried but the application is still in the works. In the mean time the homeowner's home is now at risk of being sold AND they have about $1500- $2500 in foreclosure attorney fees now added to their account!
Remember, if it sounds too good to be trueit probably is!
Remember that you can always file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy to stop a foreclosure sale INSTANTLY and allow yourself up to 5 years to repay the arrears. On top of that, you can still eventually get a legitimate loan modification while under the protection of bankruptcy court and get out of your case early.
Questions? Schedule a FREE consultation online today:
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