Excerpt #2 from Eris for Developers - Mortgage Backed Securities

January 06, 2020

Excerpt #2 from Eris for Developers - Mortgage Backed Securities.

Excerpt #2 from Eris for Developers - Mortgage Backed Securities video duration 13 Minute(s) 43 Second(s), published by Validity Labs AG on 25 07 2016 - 16:30:05.

Hello! This is a video from Validity Labs, a blockchain company that explores how wet legal code and dry smart contract code can work together to enable new Buy Self Learning Recorded videos for FRM Part 2 training at www.pacegurus.com, Training by Vamsidhar Ambatipudi(IIMI Alumnus,PRM), for more details .

How can a bunch of loans be turned into bonds? through securitization
It's complex, but not too difficult to understand, as this video explains Fight the Bank Mortgage Foreclosure Fraud - We are a Mortgage, Note, Loan Securitization http://www.1RealEstateHomes.com, and Learn how to Erase your

Hello! This is a video from Validity Labs, a blockchain company that explores how wet legal code and dry smart contract code can work together to enable new methods of building financial instruments related to securitisation and trade finance.

This is a short 13-min excerpt from our two day workshop titled 'Eris for developers'. This workshop is targeted at developers who would like to build blockchain application using the Eris technology stack. The workshop walks participants through building Mortgage Backed Securities using smart contracts, and serves as an excellent preparatory step before building a Blockchain based Proof of Concept application.

The video serves as an introduction to Mortgage Backed Securities and how this financial instrument shall be built using smart contracts later in the workshop.

This video was made by Meher Roy, co-founder at Validity Labs and show host at Epicenter Bitcoin.

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Buy Self Learning Recorded videos for FRM Part 2 training at www.pacegurus.com, Training by Vamsidhar Ambatipudi(IIMI Alumnus,PRM), for more details .

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What happen to all the loans that banks make? Securitization, that's what.

How can a bunch of loans be turned into bonds? through securitization
It's complex, but not too difficult to understand, as this video explains.

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