Lazy Ass Loan Officers VLOG #064. VLOG 'I Saved £31,000 in a YEAR for my MORTGAGE' Q&A HOW TO SAVE
Lazy Ass Loan Officers VLOG #064 video duration 3 Minute(s) 29 Second(s), published by Sunil Prasad on 23 02 2019 - 16:00:02.
The amount of lazy-ass loan officers and mortgage brokers I come across that complain about competition in the mortgage world is just ridiculous
In business Dave Jamison ( talks about qualifying for a mortgage while still on the marital homestead.
Part 2 of my mortgage series with special guest Theresa Viti-Finck of TD Bank discussing the significant of credit when trying to obtain a mortgage
#sothebys Check out a Friday in life of my work
I am Neel Dhingra , a mortgage banker and real estate investor in Nevada
I love helping clients and business partners So y'all wanted to know how to save as my next video and I hope this video gives you some insight into my story, tips and advice based on your questions .
The amount of lazy-ass loan officers and mortgage brokers I come across that complain about competition in the mortgage world is just ridiculous.
In business you have to compete, that's how it goes. You actually have to put the work in to reap the rewards.
It can be tiresome and exhausting at times but if you're willing to out work & out hustle the other brokers and loan officers in your locale, you can set up a nice life for yourself. And if you happen to manage your earnings, you can retire a little early and chill if you want.
But at the end of the day, coming into the office at 11 and sending an email or two and then taking off to happy hour at 3 will not get you very far.
The reason other brokers are succeeding is because they are consistently pounding the pavement, running Facebook and Instagram ads, direct messaging, providing value, and closing because of all of it.
If you are training to become a loan officer or want to learn to learn more about the mortgage industry, you need to understand that cashing commission checks on half-assed work is not viable in the long run. Longevity is about service and hard work.
If you don't care about the big picture and are happy doing your thing then you don't have to listen to me but I promise you - there is someone else out there utilizing all tools at their disposal and working harder.
Stay up to date on my day to day business life:
Today’s Leaders Podcast:
Sunil Prasad is a passionate leader who is in his element when it comes to business. As an avid Entrepreneur and Public Speaker, Sunil believes in encouraging people to learn about themselves and work hard in order to succeed. It’s that simple.
Sunil’s story begins as a small boy who failed Grade 2. He took this early academic disappointment and turned it into the fuel he needed to become the personification of a hard worker. In doing so, he conditioned himself to become the boy - and later the man - who proved everyone wrong.
At the ripe age of 14, Sunil walked into a bank to apply for a loan - to his surprise he was turned away.
At 18, Sunil walked right back into that bank, got a $2,000 loan and paid it back with the actual loan money - plus interest. When asked why he took out this loan, he responded: “because I could.”
In his early 20’s, Sunil started an investment company which held stocks, bonds, and real estate. Growing steadily with the market, Sunil now owns and operates TFS Total Financing Solutions Inc., a mortgage company focused on commercial, construction, and private lending with a strong interest in financing businesses within the Canadian Market.
Sunil is proud of his milestones and continues to work with his strengths and transform his weaknesses. The fundamental component of his success is working with people on a deeper level and encouraging them to better know themselves. Knowing what is important to you is important to him.
With a true love of life and passion for excellence, Sunil utilizes his leadership skills to confront any challenge.
Through self-development, he has mastered business development and would love to share it with you.
Where to follow and listen:
TFS Total Financing Solutions INC:
#loanofficer #mortgagebroker #sunilprasad360
Other Video about Lazy Ass Loan Officers VLOG #064:

Neel's Vlog 001
Check out a Friday in life of my workI am Neel Dhingra , a mortgage banker and real estate investor in Nevada
I love helping clients and business partners.

VLOG 'I Saved £31,000 in a YEAR for my MORTGAGE' Q&A HOW TO SAVE
So y'all wanted to know how to save as my next video and I hope this video gives you some insight into my story, tips and advice based on your questions .
Qualifying for a mortgage while still on another
Dave Jamison ( talks about qualifying for a mortgage while still on the marital homestead.
Vlog #5 (Mortgage Series Part 2) - Is Credit Really Important?!
Part 2 of my mortgage series with special guest Theresa Viti-Finck of TD Bank discussing the significant of credit when trying to obtain a mortgage#sothebys .
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