Mortgage Loan Officer Training : Retention Learn this Lead Type. NMLS Loan License Training & Review Part 1 of 2 HD
Mortgage Loan Officer Training : Retention Learn this Lead Type video duration 14 Minute(s) 12 Second(s), published by @SalesRemastered on 14 02 2018 - 21:49:44.
One of the most lucrative resource of leads is a 'pocket' that very few Mortgage Loan Officers choose to look
This pocket of leads that often go overlooked The Training Foundation LLC has the training required for you to pass your state examination!
For more study aids to pass the NMLS Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) Exam, please checkout out our online course at or If there is ONE video I'd love for you to watch when you prepare for the NMLS exam
it's THIS one
Because: #1: It's reached over 53000 people who want to Rich Kwok helps you pass your exam by reviewing questions
Part 2:
One of the most lucrative resource of leads is a ‘pocket’ that very few Mortgage Loan Officers choose to look.
This pocket of leads that often go overlooked typically end up completing the transaction within a matter of weeks.
If we consider that each lead has with it a certain momentum and that it is carrying that towards one specific destination.
We as a society are naturally trained to ‘see things out’ and complete what you started much like we’re wired from youth to “finish your plate of you don’t get desert…”.
Granted there are some that are not as organized as others and simply do not ‘get it’, but fair to say most of our audience, a homeowner, we are at least dealing with someone who is.
Being their motive is to complete their search is solving a problem, chances are as long as we position ourselves correctly we can be there when it happens.
The point is, it will happen.
So this pocket of leads that I am referring to are ‘Inactives’ or ‘Swept’ leads.
If you consider that most of our competition and in some cases our own teammates, most MLO’s in general do not call back or attempt to chase with enough creativity to reignite the engagement, curiosity and interest.
If we do take the time to develop a solid follow up, we can use this strategy on leads that ‘slip’ thru the cracks and end up dealing with our competitors.
So on this train of thought, if we take a step back and see the situation for what it truly is and not what we it assume it be.
Most of the time, we would assume an inactive or swept lead as ‘wood’ or a ‘waste of time’, but if you change your mentality and view on that lead, you’ll see it for it true color.
That is they didn’t buy from that particular loan agent, but that does not change the fact that they’re going to ‘see this thru’ and get their deal done with someone.
THIS VIDEO is going to share with you how I position myself to be that ‘someone’ and how I am able to put my focus and time on where I get most engagement.
Even if it means following up with that internet inquiry from 3 weeks ago, I see it for what it is.
It is a homeowner who is more than likely in process being they were shopping 3 weeks ago and chances are they already have been qualified or an appraised value has been confirmed.
When you realize the way you view certain things are because of the way our mindsets are trained and developed by society.
Just like our prospects are wired to always ask “What your lowest rate”, we tend to shy away from things like Objections, Inactivated and departed agent leads because we are trained to look at them as a ‘grind’.
Now watch this video and see how you can change it to a GAME.
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Other Video about Mortgage Loan Officer Training : Retention Learn this Lead Type:

Affinity Real Estate & Mortgage Training/Services
If there is ONE video I'd love for you to watch when you prepare for the NMLS examit's THIS one
Because: #1: It's reached over 53000 people who want to .

NMLS Loan License Training & Review Part 1 of 2 HD
Rich Kwok helps you pass your exam by reviewing questionsPart 2:

Thinking about becoming a Mortgage Loan Originator in Florida?
The Training Foundation LLC has the training required for you to pass your state examination!
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