Mortgage Moment Ep 035- CARS

January 13, 2020

Mortgage Moment Ep 035- CARS. Reverse Mortgage Unethical Advertising Practices - What to Look Out For When Shopping For A Reverse

Mortgage Moment Ep 035- CARS video duration 4 Minute(s) 30 Second(s), published by Kit Crowne on 12 09 2019 - 20:36:53.

What do car shopping and home buying have in common? It turns out, a whole bunch! Watch this week's video to test drive my theory and learn how to avoid the Should you get pre-approved or pre-qualified by a mortgage professional before shopping for a home? We break it down, tell you which one to get and explain . - We have some of the lowest rates in the market! Shop us and I will (99.9%) beat any other pricing Most #homebuyers don't shop for mortgages until they've started going to open houses
Heck, some wait until they're ready to make an offer on a home
Wrong Call (424) 225-2167 With Any Questions or Allow Me To Run Your Numbers
I'll need your Zip Code, Age, Property Value & Current Mortgage Balance
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What do car shopping and home buying have in common? It turns out, a whole bunch! Watch this week’s video to test drive my theory and learn how to avoid the potholes that can make your journey unpleasant. We are licensed in NY, MA, ME, CT, NH, VT, RI, FL

I’ve been shopping for a used car recently to replace my fun, sporty, and completely impractical for 6-months-of-the-year convertible. My bride and I are collaborating in this process, building our list of must-haves, would like to haves, and puzzling out what vehicles and features we want to exclude from our list. It’s an interesting process, really, partly because the two of us had to mind-meld on our individual desires so that we had a shared vision of the right vehicle and partly because what we thought we wanted when we began changed as we looked at and drove a number of different trucks, discovering things that helped us refine our search parameters. While our journeys to various used car lots can’t really be called “hot-dates,” they were always fun and connecting and – this was a surprise to us both – exhausting. And along the way, it has opened my eyes to the similarities to the homebuying process. Here’s why:
At the top of the list, we have to highlight the emotional component – that part of us that abandons all logical concerns and falls in love with the bright and shiny bits. You start imagining how great you’re going to feel when you are in your new home (or your new car), you start decorating it in your mind, you start seeing all the holiday gatherings you’ll host, and well, the list goes on and on, and never for a moment – at least IN the moment – do you stop and contemplate the larger picture. Does this meet all of the requirements on my list of “must-haves?” Is the payment within my monthly budget? How much will it cost to heat? Are there any problems with it that I’ll need to repair right away?
The next thing that happens is this strange feeling that overtakes you, haunts you, whispering “there’ll never be another one just like this one” and, suddenly, you feel this crushing need to take action quickly lest this one get away. I think that resonates even more strongly when you’ve looked at lots of homes – or cars – and you start feeling as if you’ll never find “The One.” Then you encounter a home that checks many of the boxes for you and – by comparison to what you’ve already seen – it seems so irreplaceable, so unique, and you feel this compelling urge to seal the deal, then and there.
It's there in this moment when these two factors collide – the emotions and the sense of that you’ll never find another one that’s just like this one – that we make really crummy decisions. It’s a tsunami that washes away all of our logic, causing us to abandon all of the sensible planning and budgeting that we’ve done. To be fair, we are emotional beings – we don’t NEED more than a bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen big enough to eat in, too – but we WANT more. The planning and budgeting we do before we go home shopping – or car shopping - reconciles our wants with our rational side, and provides us with some essential detachment so that we may approach our buying decision sensibly.
I am a little chagrined to acknowledge that the truck I am buying will be my 28th personal-use vehicle purchase. It’s the first one where I am truly walking the talk and following my own advice, holding to a budget and the list of must-haves that we agreed upon rather than succumbing to the emotional tides that beckoned along the way. I owe my bride my enduring gratitude for helping me on this journey, bringing wisdom and patience and emotional detachment to this often fraught process that can so easily lead to disappointment and regret.

Other Video about Mortgage Moment Ep 035- CARS:

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E69 Start Mortgage Shopping Now

Most #homebuyers don't shop for mortgages until they've started going to open houses
Heck, some wait until they're ready to make an offer on a home
Wrong .

Reverse Mortgage Unethical Advertising Practices - What to Look Out For When Shopping For A Reverse

Reverse Mortgage Unethical Advertising Practices - What to Look Out For When Shopping For A Reverse

Call (424) 225-2167 With Any Questions or Allow Me To Run Your Numbers
I'll need your Zip Code, Age, Property Value & Current Mortgage Balance
Book a .

Mortgage Pre Qualified vs Pre Approved

Mortgage Pre Qualified vs Pre Approved

Should you get pre-approved or pre-qualified by a mortgage professional before shopping for a home? We break it down, tell you which one to get and explain .

Rate Shopping  Shop and Compare Home Mortgage Lenders!

Rate Shopping Shop and Compare Home Mortgage Lenders! - We have some of the lowest rates in the market! Shop us and I will (99.9%) beat any other pricing.

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