Converting our Mortgage from 30 years to 15 years!

February 20, 2020

Converting our Mortgage from 30 years to 15 years!. 15 Year Mortgage VS. 30 Year Mortgage Which Is The Better Option For You?

Converting our Mortgage from 30 years to 15 years! video duration 6 Minute(s) 13 Second(s), published by Angi's Corner on 02 03 2019 - 12:31:00.

Thanks for stopping on by! I discuss how my husband and I were able to convert our 30 year mortgage into a 15 year mortgage after we used credit cards to pay Mallory Strotheide is a lender with Treadstone Funding in Grand Rapids
Mallory Ann Strotheide NMLS 177925 Office (616) 774-9160 ext
55121 Cell (517) .

Here are the reasons why I don't believe you should get a 15 year mortgage
For all the Dave Ramsey fans out there, here is the reasons a 30 year mortgage Here are the reasons why I don't believe you should get a 15 year mortgage
For all the Dave Ramsey fans out there, here is the reasons a 30 year mortgage I made this video to give my own thoughts on a similar video that Graham Stephen made on the same subject! While I do agree with Graham that the 30 year .

Thanks for stopping on by! I discuss how my husband and I were able to convert our 30 year mortgage into a 15 year mortgage after we used credit cards to pay off our second mortgage! Say that three times fast!!

Also-UPDATE!! Our interest rate is just shy of 3%!! My bad!!

Debt Balance as of 31 Jan 2019: $65720.43
Snowball Plan:
1- Credit Card One (Second Home Mortgage partial balance)—PAID OFF -Aug 2018!!!!!
2- Credit Card Two (Second Home Mortgage remaining balance)—PAID OFF -Jan 2019!!!!!
3- Husband’s work loan (implemented in Jul 2018) — Pending pay off-Apr 2019
4- 401k loan in my name (implemented in 2013)—PAID OFF FEB 2019!!!!
5- 401k loan in my husbands name (implemented in 2014)
6- My husbands car loan (implemented in Jul 2018)
7- My car loan (implemented in Mar 2018)

Thanks for stopping on by! Feel free to check out my blog to follow our debt diet journey!!


Other Video about Converting our Mortgage from 30 years to 15 years!:

Why You Shouldn't Get A 15 Year Mortgage

Why You Shouldn't Get A 15 Year Mortgage

Here are the reasons why I don't believe you should get a 15 year mortgage
For all the Dave Ramsey fans out there, here is the reasons a 30 year mortgage .

15 Year Mortgage VS. 30 Year Mortgage  Which Is The Better Option For You?

15 Year Mortgage VS. 30 Year Mortgage Which Is The Better Option For You?

I made this video to give my own thoughts on a similar video that Graham Stephen made on the same subject! While I do agree with Graham that the 30 year .

15 Year Mortgage vs. a 30 Year Mortgage  Mortgage Minute with Mallory Strotheide

15 Year Mortgage vs. a 30 Year Mortgage Mortgage Minute with Mallory Strotheide

Mallory Strotheide is a lender with Treadstone Funding in Grand Rapids
Mallory Ann Strotheide NMLS 177925 Office (616) 774-9160 ext
55121 Cell (517) .

Why You Shouldn't Get A 15 Year Mortgage

Why You Shouldn't Get A 15 Year Mortgage

Here are the reasons why I don't believe you should get a 15 year mortgage
For all the Dave Ramsey fans out there, here is the reasons a 30 year mortgage .

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