Do you have a LinkedIn company business page as a Mortgage Loan Officer. Mortgage broker Marketing
Do you have a LinkedIn company business page as a Mortgage Loan Officer video duration 30 Second(s), published by Mortgage Marketing Pros on 22 08 2019 - 23:54:44.
Without a doubt LinkedIn is one of the most important sites a loan officer should focus on from the outset and YES you should be using it to the absolute limit of Engage in mortgage marketing sometimes feels like a dog with its head outside the car window, ears flapping, eyes glazed, and no idea of where he's going.
In this video you'll learn how in just 5 short months, Kira 7X'd her income (from $3.6k/month to $28k/month), with a full pipeline .
Without a doubt LinkedIn is one of the most important sites a loan officer should focus on from the outset and YES you should be using it to the absolute limit of its potential.
However it is not the only site to really focus on: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other video upload sites, your blog, online Directories, relevant forums, article sites and social book marking sites, they all have an important part to play in your social media marketing strategy and whilst LinkedIn is very important you must develop a strategy and see it in the long term perspective.
It’s easy to use, it’s free, it's well established and liked and it's powerful for loan officers. Do not see LinkedIn, just in the personal context alone see it as a really powerful professional networking tool at the level of the firm itself.
LinkedIn has over 500 million users and is perfect because all those users solely focus on using the site for business purposes.
We work with Loan Officers like yourself to own page 1 with your mortgage services in your local mortgage area and having a marketing plan will ensure you have a profitable career.
Mortgage Marketing Pros
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Mortgage broker Marketing

Mortgage Marketing Mistakes Mortgage Marketing Pros
Engage in mortgage marketing sometimes feels like a dog with its head outside the car window, ears flapping, eyes glazed, and no idea of where he's going.
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