Home Price Expectations Survey by Kevin Martini. TPC Mortgage Survey: Adding Automatic Lot Setbacks
Home Price Expectations Survey by Kevin Martini video duration 51 Second(s), published by Martini TV on 27 01 2018 - 12:57:36.
Kevin Martini https://kevinmartini.benchmark.us/with the Martini Mortgage Group at Benchmark Mortgage https://kevinmartini.benchmark.us/ which is located in Pattie-Lovett Reid, CTV's Chief Financial Commentor, discusses LowestRates.ca (client) mortgage survey on all morning shows.
Find out what happens when a surveyor visits your property to inspect it for mortgage valuation purposes In most cases, sellers have an existing survey that a buyer can use when obtaining mortgage financing
however, a mortgage lender won't always use your Select which lot lines are Front, Side and Rear and TPC draws the lot setback lines automatically.
Kevin Martini https://kevinmartini.benchmark.us/with the Martini Mortgage Group at Benchmark Mortgage https://kevinmartini.benchmark.us/ which is located in Raleigh, North Carolina produced this video graphic of the Home Price Expectation Survey.
Pulsenomics https://www.pulsenomics.com/ surveys a panel of economists, investment strategists and housing market experts on what their expectations are regarding the next 5-years as it relates to home values. The Home Price Expectation Survey is released 4 times a year (February, May, August & November). This report is commissioned by Zillow https://www.zillow.com/ and administrated by Pulesnomics. This Kevin Martini video graphic is based on the data released from the November 2017 Survey.
Who is Pulesnomics? They are an independent research and consulting firm that specializes in data analytics in the real estate arena.
Here is the Kevin Martini bottom line ( a.k.a. the #MartiniFactor ):
The surveyed experts have raised expectations of home price growth in 2018. Furthermore, the survey experts see no signs of rising prices slowing down. In addition, the survey experts believe that the historical low mortgage interest rates offered with conventional loans ( i.e. Fannie Mae Freddie Mac ) & government loans (i.e. FHA Home Loans VA Home Loans Rural Development Home Loans offered by the USDA ) enjoyed over the last several years is going to end in 2018.
Over the next 5-year, home prices are expected to appreciate on average by 3.35% per year and to grow by 24.3% cumulatively.
Individual opinions make headlines however it is the Martini Mortgage Group opinion that the Home Price Expectation Survey is a fair depiction of future values. Know this is a 'National forecast' and not specific to Raleigh, North Carolina or Cary, North Carolina or the Triangle of North Carolina for that matter but historically the Triangle has mirrored the finding of the Home Price Expectation Survey.
If buying a home is part of your plan in 2018, doing it sooner than later could be helpful since the survey experts believe home values and mortgage rates are on the rise.
Buying a home and securing the right home loan for that home is a process NOT AN EVENT. Kevin Martini with the Martini Mortgage Group powered by Benchmark Mortgage provides trusted advice, great rates with stress-free and on-time real estate closing. Give Kevin Martini a call at (919) 238-4934 if you have questions regarding the Home Price Expectation Survey, question about Raleigh mortgage rates or Raleigh home loan products.
Kevin Martini Branch Manager NMLS ID 143962 5650 Six Forks Road Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 238-4934 Kevin.Martini@Benchmark.us www.KevinMartini.com
Equal Housing Opportunity
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In most cases, sellers have an existing survey that a buyer can use when obtaining mortgage financinghowever, a mortgage lender won't always use your .

TPC Mortgage Survey: Adding Automatic Lot Setbacks
Select which lot lines are Front, Side and Rear and TPC draws the lot setback lines automatically.
LowestRates.ca Mortgage Survey CTV News
Pattie-Lovett Reid, CTV's Chief Financial Commentor, discusses LowestRates.ca (client) mortgage survey on all morning shows.
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