Securitization (Hindi) CA Final SFM (New Syllabus) Classes & Video Lectures

February 18, 2020

Securitization (Hindi) CA Final SFM (New Syllabus) Classes & Video Lectures. NEWSFLASH: Mortgage Securitisation Claims - It's Happening! Share this VIDEO EVERYWHERE

Securitization (Hindi) CA Final SFM (New Syllabus) Classes & Video Lectures video duration 17 Minute(s) 43 Second(s), published by CA Nikhil Jobanputra on 18 02 2018 - 17:58:40.

We simplify your financial learnings
▻▻Subscribe here to learn more of Strategic Financial Management: Find us on Facebook: After watching the movie the Big Short I heard all about mortgage backed securities
It makes me nervous to learn that a major Canadian bank is putting together .

The speaker discusses the truth about mortgages and how we can use the the Mortgage Securitization Audit and Bloomberg Financial Report to enforce our CFA FRM SFM Excel Live Classes Videos Available Globally For Details: WhatsApp: +91 9830497377 or If your Mortgage is up to date (regardless of past arrears) and if you have at least 3 years left to run, then you are eligible to find out whether or not your Mortgage .

We simplify your financial learnings. ►►Subscribe here to learn more of Strategic Financial Management:
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The video talks about Securitisation a chapter in Strategic Financial Management (SFM).
This is an important chapter from the CA Exam point of view as well. The concept has been explained with comprehensive example, to make sure the concepts are very clear. It mainly talks about Debt Securitisation, Mortgage Backed Securities, Securitisation Process, Credit Rating Agency, Special Purpose Entity, Mortgage Pool, Raising Funds, Financing through Securitisation.

The video is in Hindi; and suitable for anyone who wants to understand the above concepts of Mergers and Acquisitions in this language.

►►About CA Nikihl Jobanputra:

CA Nikhil Jobanputra is an Energetic, Hard Working professor. Apart from completing his CA successfully he also possesses degree in CMA and CIMA plus Advance Diploma in MA.

He realized his penchant for teaching in 2003, when he started his first institute, Pragati, post that there was no stopping him and the journey still continues as a Founder Faculty of Incito Academy.

This teaching experience makes him one of the top faculty in this industry

Other Video about Securitization (Hindi) CA Final SFM (New Syllabus) Classes & Video Lectures:

Asset Securitization   MBS, ABS, CMA, CDA, Credit Crisis 0001

Asset Securitization MBS, ABS, CMA, CDA, Credit Crisis 0001

CFA FRM SFM Excel Live Classes Videos Available Globally For Details: WhatsApp: +91 9830497377 or .

NEWSFLASH: Mortgage Securitisation Claims - It's Happening! Share this VIDEO EVERYWHERE

NEWSFLASH: Mortgage Securitisation Claims - It's Happening! Share this VIDEO EVERYWHERE

If your Mortgage is up to date (regardless of past arrears) and if you have at least 3 years left to run, then you are eligible to find out whether or not your Mortgage .

Bundling Mortgage backed Securities in Canada?

Bundling Mortgage backed Securities in Canada?

After watching the movie the Big Short I heard all about mortgage backed securities
It makes me nervous to learn that a major Canadian bank is putting together .

Mortgages Explained : The Securitization Audit

Mortgages Explained : The Securitization Audit

The speaker discusses the truth about mortgages and how we can use the the Mortgage Securitization Audit and Bloomberg Financial Report to enforce our .

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