Quick Update Mortgage Credit Certificate Program Income limits have decreased.
Quick Update Mortgage Credit Certificate Program Income limits have decreased video duration 1 Minute(s) 31 Second(s), published by Jodie Tanga on 24 06 2014 - 23:32:18.
Hey Everyone! It's Jodie Tanga with Pacific Rim Mortgage
Just wanted to give you a quick market update
I wanted to let you know mortgage credit certificate Bai Jiang is a Mortgage Broker specializing in arranging financing for investors to build larger portfolios
He has helped clients (who have 40+ properties in .
The Income Generation With David J
Scranton **Disclaimer: Sound Income Strategies, LLC is a registered investment advisor
Information presented is for What is Debt to Income Ratio? Your total allowable monthly mortgage payment is determined by how much debt you have, versus how much income you make
Hey Everyone! It's Jodie Tanga with Pacific Rim Mortgage. Just wanted to give you a quick market update. I wanted to let you know mortgage credit certificate program that income limits have decreased so basically there's an income limit for the family of 2 or less and then a different income limit for 3 or more and it's for the counties of Honolulu, Maui, Kauai and so check out the new income limits. Please see here and please shoot me an email if you want me to send you a brochure as mortgage certificate program is a fabulous first time home buyer program that we are approved to do. Also, update on World cup standings so no winners yet. The biggest upset was the Uruguay-Costa Rica game which the Costa Rica took. So let's try again for tomorrow's round up which is Nigeria vs Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina vs Iran, Ecuador vs France and Honduras vs Switzerland. So please email me back, let me know who you think is gonna win. Winner that gets all four right will get our World's cup package value of over a hundred dollars other than that please let me know if there's any buyers that I can help you with. We would love to preapproved them. thank you again for all the referrals that are coming in. Also, I wanted to say a quick thank you for voting us, for voting me as Hawaii's best mortgage loan officer. So, Please call or email me anytime 223-2761 and Have a great week! i'll talk to you guys soon. Bye!
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