Pay off mortgage with funds from the Solo 401k for real estate investors

June 29, 2019

Pay off mortgage with funds from the Solo 401k for real estate investors. Should I Take Money Out of 401K Retirement Plan to Pay Off Debt? Suze Orman

Pay off mortgage with funds from the Solo 401k for real estate investors video duration 1 Minute(s) 6 Second(s), published by Vanessa Pham on 05 06 2015 - 00:48:20. It is possible to use funds from a Solo 401(k) for real estate investors to pay your mortgage, but you have to take out a loan as a Learn to budget, beat debt, & build a legacy
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. I like Graham Stephan's channel
I get a lot of value out of it indeed
However, I do disagree with this one video about whether one should pay off a mortgage vs Should I take money out of my 401K so I can get out of $50K of Credit Card debt? Suze has the answer! » SUBSCRIBE to Suze Orman's YouTube Channel: .

It is possible to use funds from a Solo 401(k) for real estate investors to pay your mortgage, but you have to take out a loan as a plan owner. Watch this self-directed Solo 401 Quick Tip video for more information.

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As the plan owner, you cannot use funds from your Solo401k to purchase a house for personal use. You cannot sell the property to your Solo401k, or use your Solo401k as collateral for a loan. What you can do is to take out a participant loan from your Solo401k plan and use it to pay off your mortgage. The loan must be paid back using amortized payments over period of 5 years, but you’ll be paying back interest to your own account, instead of the bank.

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