How to Find Leads in 2019 as a Mortgage Loan Officer : Lead Generation Video 3 of 3. Understanding Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs)
How to Find Leads in 2019 as a Mortgage Loan Officer : Lead Generation Video 3 of 3 video duration 22 Minute(s) 33 Second(s), published by @SalesRemastered on 17 10 2018 - 15:17:25.
How to Find Leads in 2019 as a Mortgage Loan Officer : Lead Generation Video 3 of 3 In this 3 part series, over 3 days I cover the how to in surviving as a Scott Handley with Western Pioneer University explains the importance of Role Play and Practice when training to become a successful Loan Officer.
Scott Handley with Western Pioneer University explains the sales technique The Lockdown Close to set more appointments
#MortgageTraining #SalesTraining In CBC Mortgage Agency's Chenoa Fund Training Series #1, the presenter begins by reviewing all five Chenoa Fund Products, including our conventional For more study aids to pass the NMLS Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) Exam, please checkout out our online course at: or .
How to Find Leads in 2019 as a Mortgage Loan Officer : Lead Generation Video 3 of 3
In this 3 part series, over 3 days I cover the how to in surviving as a mortgage loan officer while going into 2019 with the current market condition and seeing the trends of purchase loans becoming the dominating force in our pipelines, I help Mortgage Loan Officers weather the storm and survive the market by understanding and adapting to the current trend of where the business is today!
In Video 1, I covered the details of how to capture the prospect and generate trust, loyalty and position you as their ONLY go to for financing, if you missed it, here is the link:
In Video 2, I covered the details of how to capture the Realtor and generate trust, loyalty and position you as their ONLY go to for financing, if you missed it, here is the link:
In this final Video, 3 of 3, I now dive into a topic that positions you as the hottest asset to any company, any broker and any realtor that you’re trying to secure business with and foster a long term relationship with.
If you think about it, the reason why we solicit Realtors, why we join or leave a company and why certain companies spend millions of dollars per month to keep the phone ringing is the need for LEADS.
Leads make the world go round in commerce and is no different when it comes down to our own sales origination. Without a Lead, you have no interest, and without interest you have no shopper, and without shopping you have no buyer!
When you think about the one thing that we as Mortgage Loan Officers need to stay alive, you’ll find that it is the same thing that Realtors need to survive also!
Imagine having that one thing at your disposal, do you think the tables would be turned and now you have the carrot to dangle as oppose to the Realtor having it?
Do you think that if you had a community of leads and prospects that any Realtor would want, would you stand out from the every day loan officer and become the magnet instead of the other way around?
When you think outside the box and you hunt in a different way, you begin to make noise in a different way too and this allows you to be heard, this allows you to capture attention and attract the interest because you’ve taken the time to stand out.
In this video, I show you how to REMASTER your way of generating business and introduce your to concepts that work today…as a matter of fact, these concepts are the reason you watch me on youtube or follow me on other social media channels and have invested time or money into my content and products.
Now I open the gates for you to do the same!
Loan Officer Training Course:
The ONLY course tailored to MLO's and designed to help you reach the Top of your game, FAST! Get your income deep into 6 Figures by learning the Formula today!
Enjoy the VIDEO and PLEASE Comment, LIKE and SHARE this Video with other Outside or Inside loan agents that you know would gain value from watching it!
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I help Loan Officers become Top Producers by teaching them a new and enhanced way of Selling! This is Sales Remastered!
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Other Video about How to Find Leads in 2019 as a Mortgage Loan Officer : Lead Generation Video 3 of 3:

In CBC Mortgage Agency's Chenoa Fund Training Series #1, the presenter begins by reviewing all five Chenoa Fund Products, including our conventional .
Understanding Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs)
For more study aids to pass the NMLS Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) Exam, please checkout out our online course at: or .
MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICER TRAINING - Practice and Role Play for Loan Officers
Scott Handley with Western Pioneer University explains the importance of Role Play and Practice when training to become a successful Loan Officer.
Scott Handley with Western Pioneer University explains the sales technique The Lockdown Close to set more appointments#MortgageTraining #SalesTraining .
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