Kenyan banks to publish loan, mortgage details online

August 16, 2019

Kenyan banks to publish loan, mortgage details online. KCB Mortgage advice

Kenyan banks to publish loan, mortgage details online video duration 39 Second(s), published by CGTN Africa on 31 05 2017 - 12:45:29.

Kenyan banks have decided to make information on the cost of credit for personal loans and mortgages available online
The move is a bid to ease customers' LiveStreamKenya #KenyanNews #LiveinKenya SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more great videos: Follow us on Twitter: .

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Kenyan banks have decided to make information on the cost of credit for personal loans and mortgages available online. The move is a bid to ease customers' ability to choose offer best-suited to them. The central bank and the Kenya Bankers' Association have set up a website for banks to publish their loans' annual interest rate and repayment schedule. Governor Patrick Njoroge says the website offers customers an accessible way of shopping for loans. Until now, customers have been forced to travel from bank to bank to compare the cost of credit between lenders. CBK says many customers are saddled with expensive credit and are unaware of cheaper alternatives.

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#BBWB Ep 7 Feat. Kenya Robinson (KRGW Realty) Arlene Pryce (Success Mortgage Partners)

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Just a conversation and a food review
Watch the full-length version on YouTube: [insert link to YouTube video] In this episode, Kenya tells us about .

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