Do USDA loans have an acreage limit?

September 04, 2019

Do USDA loans have an acreage limit?. Orlando Mortgages: The USDA Home Loan Program Is Now Accessible to More People

Do USDA loans have an acreage limit? video duration 2 Minute(s) 58 Second(s), published by Metroplex Mortgage Services on 03 03 2017 - 06:40:09. While many associate the USDA with a farm loan, in the past there have USDA Guidelines state the following in regards to contractor-builder requirements: A key to the success of the loan feature will be the financial stability and .

USDA Direct Loan requires no money down covers the eligibility requirements for the rural housing Available Mortgage Programs for The USDA loan program goes through minor changes each year at the end of their fiscal year (October 31)
Today, I'll describe which changes I am most excited .

While many associate the USDA with a farm loan, in the past there have been issues and frustrations when the land value significantly outweighed the value of the home.

However, recent guideline changes have opened up flexibility for properties with increased acreage.

Today’s video tip will shed light on how you can qualify for a USDA loan when a property has increased acreage.

Well, what are we waiting for, let’s get started with the details!

So, how many acres can you finance with a USDA Rural Home Loan?

As a point of clarification, the USDA program is designed for Single Family Housing and is not a solution for working farms or income producing properties. With that being said recent improvements have been made to the guidelines covering allowable land value.

USDA Guidelines previously had stated the following in situations when the site value exceeded 30% of the total overall appraised value:

1) The value of the site must be typical for the area, as evidenced by the appraisal; and
2) The parcel cannot be subdivided into two or more sites.

For example, if you had a property that appraised for $100,000 and the appraiser noted that the site value of the appraisal was at $35,000, then that portion would be at 35% of the appraised value thus exceeding the guideline. This would then have required both of the mentioned steps to be met in order to proceed.

However, a very key point that has been clarified in the new USDA 3555 guidelines. It simply states the following under the site size guideline requirements:

“The site size must be typical for the area.”

This simple clarification clearly opens up the potential for larger acreage properties without the further burden required to document if the property could be subdivided.

This could potentially increase the amount of acres you can finance with a USDA loan and the available property types, thus helping more USDA qualified buyers.

In summary, do not assume in cases of acreage that it may or may not be eligible for a USDA loan. Comparable sales in the area will help to justify if the site value is typical for the area.

Unique properties can require additional review upfront, so if you have any questions contact my team so we can help determine how many acres can be financed with your next USDA loan.
Download our FREE USDA Blueprint for Success!


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