Homeowners Sue Banks to Cancel Mortgage or for Wrongful Foreclosure & Punitive Damages CEPersVid 42. How Do You Cancel Your Mortgage Insurance?
Homeowners Sue Banks to Cancel Mortgage or for Wrongful Foreclosure & Punitive Damages CEPersVid 42 video duration 10 Minute(s) 4 Second(s), published by carlpers2 on 17 11 2010 - 16:25:56.
Attorney Carl Person explains why homeowners in every state should consider suing banks for cancellation of mortgage, to obtain a reasonable loan
Attorney Carl Person explains why homeowners in every state should consider suing banks for cancellation of mortgage, to obtain a reasonable loan Attorney Carl Person explains why homeowners in every state should consider suing banks for cancellation of mortgage, to obtain a reasonable loan Welcome to Joe Knows Mortgages MINUTE, where we answer your mortgage questions
On this week's Joe Knows Mortgages MINUTE, we answer the .
Attorney Carl Person explains why homeowners in every state should consider suing banks for cancellation of mortgage, to obtain a reasonable loan modification agreement, for damages caused by predatory lending practices or fraud on the court (based on filing of false affidavits, filing of actions where the bank did not own the note or possess the original note), and for punitive damages. Person explains why the banks are more apt to settle an action by providing a reasonable loan modification agreement, which would make the homeowner's cost of lawsuit almost insignificant in comparison to the value of successful lawsuit
Other Video about Homeowners Sue Banks to Cancel Mortgage or for Wrongful Foreclosure & Punitive Damages CEPersVid 42:

Homeowners Sue Banks to Cancel Mortgage or for Wrongful Foreclosure & Punitive Damages CEPersVid 42
Attorney Carl Person explains why homeowners in every state should consider suing banks for cancellation of mortgage, to obtain a reasonable loan .
How Do You Cancel Your Mortgage Insurance?
Welcome to Joe Knows Mortgages MINUTE, where we answer your mortgage questionsOn this week's Joe Knows Mortgages MINUTE, we answer the .

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