Weekly VLOG 1.8 - Mortgage Customer Service & Going for Gold

September 22, 2019

Weekly VLOG 1.8 - Mortgage Customer Service & Going for Gold. SHOULD YOU JOIN THE CORE TRAINING ? VLOG 007

Weekly VLOG 1.8 - Mortgage Customer Service & Going for Gold video duration 5 Minute(s) 15 Second(s), published by Mortgage Tree Dave on 01 03 2018 - 20:53:06.

visit me at www.davewoeckener.com a fun and light look at how a mortgage advisor always goes for gold when it comes to earning your business
Just like the So y'all wanted to know how to save as my next video and I hope this video gives you some insight into my story, tips and advice based on your questions .

Welcome to aclaireytale!! I have just got home after the most wonderful year living and working in Walt Disney World
I still have many Disney vlogs to put up but When you have us help you buy OR sell a home, you or your buyer has exclusive access to Keller Mortgage
Because we own the mortgage company there are In this Vlog , I travel to Dallas, TX for the The Core Training Annual Mega Conference
This conference is put on by Rick Ruby and his team of elite mortgage .

visit me at www.davewoeckener.com

a fun and light look at how a mortgage advisor always goes for gold when it comes to earning your business. Just like the 2018 South Korean Olympics, it gives a couple examples of how athletes compete for gold, but so do we!

Other Video about Weekly VLOG 1.8 - Mortgage Customer Service & Going for Gold:

Keller Mortgage, A new concept in Mortgage lending VLOG # 150

Keller Mortgage, A new concept in Mortgage lending VLOG # 150

When you have us help you buy OR sell a home, you or your buyer has exclusive access to Keller Mortgage
Because we own the mortgage company there are .



In this Vlog , I travel to Dallas, TX for the The Core Training Annual Mega Conference
This conference is put on by Rick Ruby and his team of elite mortgage .

VLOG 'I Saved £31,000 in a YEAR for my MORTGAGE'  Q&A HOW TO SAVE

VLOG 'I Saved £31,000 in a YEAR for my MORTGAGE' Q&A HOW TO SAVE

So y'all wanted to know how to save as my next video and I hope this video gives you some insight into my story, tips and advice based on your questions .

Mortgage Problems, New Car Tour and Lisa's Hen Do  l  Weekly Vlog #7  l  aclaireytale

Mortgage Problems, New Car Tour and Lisa's Hen Do l Weekly Vlog #7 l aclaireytale

Welcome to aclaireytale!! I have just got home after the most wonderful year living and working in Walt Disney World
I still have many Disney vlogs to put up but .

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