What If You Paid Too Much? Mortgage, Escrow & PMI overcharges

February 24, 2020

What If You Paid Too Much? Mortgage, Escrow & PMI overcharges. ConsumersCU Zero Down Mortgage with NO PMI!

What If You Paid Too Much? Mortgage, Escrow & PMI overcharges video duration 2 Minute(s) 6 Second(s), published by Money Answers TV on 15 02 2019 - 22:16:23.

Nearly 30% of all mortgages, escrow accounts and PMI accounts contain calculation errors - you could be paying way too much! Are you due a bank refund due Canceling Private Mortgage Insurance or PMI can save you thousands
If you own a home and you put less than 20% down, it's likely you have Private Mortgage .

. Ways to structure PMI for a CalHFA Conventional loan
Borrower paid monthly Borrower lump sum Borrower Split PMI It's time to purchase the home you always wanted with our 0% down mortgage! Best of all, you won't pay PMI
Check out our website for additional details at .

Nearly 30% of all mortgages, escrow accounts and PMI accounts contain calculation errors - you could be paying way too much! Are you due a bank refund due to miscalculations? Host Jordan Goodman, America's Money Answers Man, explores the common reasons for calculation errors and why auditing your account could mean substantial refunds and lowering of future mortgage payments.

If you're interested in having an audit done, Jordan recommends going to www.verifymymortgage.com or calling Loantech at 800-888-6781. Loantech can do all three types of audits for you. Jordan is an affiliate of LoanTech. As a personal finance expert, Jordan recognizes quality solutions, forming affiliate relationships to help improve people's lives.

If you enjoyed this video, please be sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! For more tips, tricks, and resources to help improve your financial well-being, connect with Jordan on his website at https://moneyanswers.com and on Social:
Twitter: @GoodmanJord or Facebook: jordan.goodman.7796.

As a personal finance expert, Jordan recognizes quality solutions, forming affiliate relationships to help improve people's financial lives.

Other Video about What If You Paid Too Much? Mortgage, Escrow & PMI overcharges:

Genworth PMI for CalHFA Loans 2019

Genworth PMI for CalHFA Loans 2019

Ways to structure PMI for a CalHFA Conventional loan
Borrower paid monthly Borrower lump sum Borrower Split PMI.

ConsumersCU Zero Down Mortgage with NO PMI!

ConsumersCU Zero Down Mortgage with NO PMI!

It's time to purchase the home you always wanted with our 0% down mortgage! Best of all, you won't pay PMI
Check out our website for additional details at .

Private Mortgage Insurance - Canceling PMI Will Save You Thousands

Private Mortgage Insurance - Canceling PMI Will Save You Thousands

Canceling Private Mortgage Insurance or PMI can save you thousands
If you own a home and you put less than 20% down, it's likely you have Private Mortgage .

FHA - MIP vs Conventional Lender Paid PMI

FHA - MIP vs Conventional Lender Paid PMI

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