Can The Mortgage Crisis Happen Again… Scott Nelson - From Mortgage Crisis to Market Meltdown
Can The Mortgage Crisis Happen Again…. video duration 7 Minute(s) 17 Second(s), published by Bike Homes on 27 06 2017 - 16:05:46.
You might remember the subprime mortgage crisis that began around 2007 and might be wondering to yourself if that could ever happen again
I have been
Don and Gino welcome Lou Esbin - Esbin Law
Motor City
automobile industry
financial attorney
bankruptcy specialist
159k Keith's $530000 four-plex dropped in value to $480000 during the 2007-09 Mortgage Meltdown
Lessons from the Housing Crisis of 2007-2009 still influence Millenium Center Thursday, Feb
27th Guest of ETSU College of Business & Technology, Mary B
Martin School of the Arts, and the Department of History.
You might remember the subprime mortgage crisis that began around 2007 and might be wondering to yourself if that could ever happen again. I have been reading and researching lately about mortgage default rates and trends which leaves me wondering if the United States could ever have a mortgage crisis like the one that occurred in the early/mid 2000s.
Its no secret that foreclosures are still occurring throughout the United States. publishes these rates periodically. According to, “Foreclosure Filings increased 5.3 percent nationally from April to May 2107.” The national average for May was 1 in every 1,636 housing units is in foreclosure. The Top 10 states are as follows:
Total housing units
Ratio of homes in foreclosure*
(1 in every …)
1,New Jersey 3,577,942
2 Delaware 414,416
3 Maryland 2,410,256
4 Illinois 5,303,675
5 Oklahoma 1,689,427
6 Nevada 1,192,083
7 Florida 9,094,999
8 New Mexico 909,565
9 Ohio 5,140,902
10 South Carolina
In a recent article in USA Today, ‘A Bad Idea’: More New Mortgages are Risky Ones’ indicated that trends are toward home loans guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration that typically require down payments of just 3-5%. These FHA-backed loans are increasingly being offered by non-bank lenders with more lenient credit standards than most major banks. In addition, the article goes on to say that there are early signs of trouble in the mortgage market which add to concerns generated by recent “increases in delinquent subprime auto loans, personal loans and credit card debt.”
FHA loans comprised 22% of all mortgages for single-family purchases in 2016. The nations biggest banks have largely pulled out of the FHA market leaving non-banks like Quicken Loans and Freedom Mortgage to fill the void. According to the article, the worry is that if home prices peak and then dip, homeowners who put down just 3-5% will owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth, increasing the incentive to default. The article presents other insights including one the publisher of Inside Mortgage Finance who basically says the fears of another housing crisis are unfounded, ‘noting Federal Reserve officials have complained that FDA loan standards have been too rigorous.’
In another article posted on entitled, “Are we Heading Toward Another Subprime Mortgage Crisis,” Mr. William Poole (former president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis) provided commentary and opinions on the current mortgage market.
“According to Freddie’s 2016 annual report, Expanding access to affordable mortgage credit will continue to be a top priority in 2017. Fannie/Freddie have redefined ‘subprime’ to a credit rating of below 620; previously these firms and banking regulators had used 660 as the dividing line that define a subprime borrower. Now by using the lower number, they may be buying even weaker mortgages than before the financial crises.”
Mr. Poole is concerned that we are headed to another housing crisis.
While the increase in defaults, delinquencies and foreclosures may alarm some, as note investors, this presents us with an opportunity to help. As we invest in non-performing notes, we can help home owners stay in their homes and work with the borrower who wants to make payments, but may not have been able to work with the bank or the bank may not be willing to work with the borrower. By helping the borrowers stay in their home and getting them to re-perform on their note, we are helping our communities stay healthy and free of blighted properties.
So, what are your thoughts? Bike Homes stands ready to help borrowers stay in their homes to the extent possible by investing in promissory notes backed by real estate.
We are always looking for Joint Venture Partners who are looking to put their Self Directed IRAs or Investment Funds to work for them. Whether you are looking for a passive return on your money or a more active role in your investment, we have a wide array of investment opportunities available. By investing in notes backed by real estate, your investment becomes recession proof. We can help you turn your investments into win-win solutions. If your investment dollars are not performing to your needs or expectations, I encourage you to reach out to us to learn how you can earn potentially double digit returns on your investments.
If you would like more information about Bike Homes or how we can help you turn your investments into profitable solutions, I encourage you to reach out to us at or visit our website at You can also catch up with us on one of our many social media accounts including Facebook or LinkedIn.
#WCN #scottcarson #bikehomes #Notes #mortgage #IRA
Other Video about Can The Mortgage Crisis Happen Again….:

Today’s Lessons From The Housing Crisis and Mortgage Meltdown of 2007-2009 - Ep. #142
Keith's $530000 four-plex dropped in value to $480000 during the 2007-09 Mortgage MeltdownLessons from the Housing Crisis of 2007-2009 still influence .

Scott Nelson - From Mortgage Crisis to Market Meltdown
Millenium Center Thursday, Feb27th Guest of ETSU College of Business & Technology, Mary B
Martin School of the Arts, and the Department of History.

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http://www.ccmclending.comDon and Gino welcome Lou Esbin - Esbin Law
Motor City
automobile industry
financial attorney
bankruptcy specialist

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