Your mortgage has been securitized win with an audit. How To Learn If Your Mortgage Is In a Securitization Trust Using ABSNet
Your mortgage has been securitized win with an audit video duration 11 Minute(s) 40 Second(s), published by John Schepcoff on 25 04 2013 - 16:55:00. Your mortgage has been securitized win with audit
When loan has been securitized it means that the loan has been sold
The Mortgage industry of the United States is a major financial sector
The federal government created several programs, or government sponsored entities, Moisan Maxime Alessandri Maxime Learn if Your Mortgage was Securitized on ABSNet,
Your mortgage has been securitized win with audit. When loan has been securitized it means that the loan has been sold on the stock market. When you get a loan, 99.99% of the time it has been securitized or in other words sold on the stock market. when the loan has been securitize it means that most likely your mortgage company is only a service writer or service lender. They do not home own the loan but they service the loan. Banks that service loans are acting like they are the lender when in fact they only service loan. They do Not own the loan, they only collect the money and forward the money directly to the bank on your loan. You can get more information by going to my other website: The the questions you might be asking yourself are there banks that have not securitize loans? Yes. private people that give out loans do not securitize loans and most credit unions do not securitize loans. When a loan has been sold on the stock market, can the stock market legally foreclose on the property? Absolutely not! Again. you can go to my other website and learn more. If you don't know this but banks make three to five times on your loan if they can get away with it. First of all, they buy insurance on your loan, hoping that you would do a foreclosure or short sale. They insure the loan for 2 1/2 times the amount of the loan. If the home is foreclosed or short sale they now make two and half times the amount on their money. If you are victim of a foreclosure or are currently doing a short sale, you can order a level three securitization audit through me. A level three audit is the only defense you have when you're in court. Everything else is a waste of time and money on your part. Most of these bogus programs are ways to get your money or what I call a Band-Aid fix. In reality they don't do anything but waste your time and money. Don't do a deed in lieu of foreclosure and don't do a short selling your home. If you do a short sale on your home, you give up all your rights on loan. Securitization audit is the only way to prove that the bank has committed bank fraud. If the court finds that the bank has committed fraud, the court will order the bank remove the cloud off the title. You can get more information by going to my other website:
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How To Learn If Your Mortgage Is In a Securitization Trust Using ABSNet
Learn if Your Mortgage was Securitized on ABSNet,

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The Mortgage industry of the United States is a major financial sectorThe federal government created several programs, or government sponsored entities, .
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