Mortgage Lead Generation: SETTING THE FOUNDATION

March 09, 2020

Mortgage Lead Generation: SETTING THE FOUNDATION. Beware Of Misleading Reverse Mortgage Advertising - Unethical HECM Ads

Mortgage Lead Generation: SETTING THE FOUNDATION video duration 5 Minute(s) 14 Second(s), published by on 16 05 2019 - 17:48:35.

Mortgage Lead Generation: SETTING THE FOUNDATION That's where it all starts
Jumping into marketing, whether it's Google Ads, social media, email, What Is The Best Audience Size For Facebook Advertising for Mortgage and Real Estate Professionals In this video I show you exactly what I do to create the .

Add 3-7 New Deals to Your Pipeline in the Next 22 Days Without Spending a Dime On Ads Watch my review of this YouTube mortgage ad sent to me inside of our free Facebook Group
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Mortgage Lead Generation:


That's where it all starts.

Jumping into marketing, whether it's Google Ads, social media, email, retargeting, database, or referral marketing.

Traditional ads, like: tv, radio and direct mail.

None of that will work like it should if you haven't built a foundation that's optimized for lead conversion.

You can spend more money on marketing in hopes that you'll get more leads.

OR you can optimize the marketing that you're already doing to work better (without spending more on ads).

It all starts with your FOUNDATION.

Without it, your ROI on everything else suffers.

The good news is taking steps towards conversion optimization can be a relatively easy fix.

There are a lot of small tweaks you can make that will have a big impact on your lead flow.

Check out for an example of a lead conversion-focused mortgage website.

Click around and I think you'll see what I'm talking about.

Thanks for watching!




Learn more:

Conversion-Focused Mortgage Company Website Example:

Conversion-Focused LO Website Example:

Mortgage Website Grader:

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Andrew Pawlak here, doing another video. I wanted to discuss with you guys the foundation topic, because that's such an important part to success with marketing. A lot of people want to skip that piece and they want to jump right into driving traffic, they want to do Facebook ads and Google and all this cool stuff.

Without the foundation, without the right lead gen, none of it works. I've talked about this in a lot of my videos. I start my book, the first two chapters talk about that specifically.

In your world as a loan officer, you absolutely have to have a website; your own website, not a page within your corporate site or your broker site. You've got to have your very own website, your own domain name. That website has to be optimized for lead conversion.

Without that, you've really got just an online business card, it's like a digital brochure with a link to a loan application. If I find you on Google or a realtor recommended, I talk to you for example, that's not a slam dunk. People don't just jump into a 1003 application.

You've got to approach it the same way LendingTree does it, the same way Quicken Loans is doing it. These are huge companies who have spent a lot of money figuring out how do you convert an anonymous website visitor and turn them into a lead.

It's not just put a contact form in front of them, or put a loan application there. There's a psychology in terms of how you ask for information, the colors that you use to get people to click on your button in the first place will make a big difference. The questions that you ask, the call to action that you present; all that is going to make a big difference in terms of whether or not someone is going to fill something out before they leave.

That's the name of the game when it comes to online, whether it's mobile or desktop. If somebody's on your site, if they found you, that's half the battle. Congrats, you got them to your website. Let's not fumble on the one yard line and let them now just click around, read some stuff and leave.

We've got to be really strategic with how we present the calls to action, how we guide these people into a really smart questionnaire that doesn't scare them off. It asks the right questions in the right order, the right number of questions. We don't go for the jugular and just ask name, email, and phone number, \

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Book a .

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