Mortgage Note Investing - #1 (Initial Due Diligence)

March 24, 2020

Mortgage Note Investing - #1 (Initial Due Diligence). MORTGAGE NOTE BUYING

Mortgage Note Investing - #1 (Initial Due Diligence) video duration 9 Minute(s) 50 Second(s), published by AccuVesting Services on 17 01 2019 - 14:37:44.

In this video I show how to analyze a note tape and reduce it so you can eventually send in some offers and ultimately buy an asset
This series of videos are Join Desiree Patno, CEO and President of NAWRB as she interviews Ms
Jasmine Willois, Founder Note Assistance Program© • Distressed Mortgages Expert .

If you are tired of acting as the bank after selling your Real Estate and owner-financing the loan with a promissory note, we can offer a sound and painless exit If you are tired of acting as the bank after selling your Real Estate and owner-financing the loan with a promissory note, we can offer a sound and painless exit

In this video I show how to analyze a note tape and reduce it so you can eventually send in some offers and ultimately buy an asset.

This series of videos are designed to take new note investors and give them some live as you go real life experience. Starting from the beginning with purchasing a Note all the way to the end when you implement your exit strategy and recuperate your returns. #canadiannotegeeks

Other Video about Mortgage Note Investing - #1 (Initial Due Diligence):

Ohio Mortgage Note Buyers  Nationwide Note Buyers  567-249-0591

Ohio Mortgage Note Buyers Nationwide Note Buyers 567-249-0591

If you are tired of acting as the bank after selling your Real Estate and owner-financing the loan with a promissory note, we can offer a sound and painless exit .



Mortgage Note Investing - Note Assistance Program

Mortgage Note Investing - Note Assistance Program

Join Desiree Patno, CEO and President of NAWRB as she interviews Ms
Jasmine Willois, Founder Note Assistance Program© • Distressed Mortgages Expert .

Riverside CA Mortgage Note Buyers  Nationwide Note Buyers  951-329-5015

Riverside CA Mortgage Note Buyers Nationwide Note Buyers 951-329-5015

If you are tired of acting as the bank after selling your Real Estate and owner-financing the loan with a promissory note, we can offer a sound and painless exit .

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