Should You Pay Off Your Debt Or Start Investing First?

March 19, 2020

Should You Pay Off Your Debt Or Start Investing First?. 284: Ask Bill! Investing over 50 & Over 70, Fast Mortgage Pay-Off and Boosting Cashflow

Should You Pay Off Your Debt Or Start Investing First? video duration 5 Minute(s) 45 Second(s), published by Minority Mindset on 20 03 2019 - 11:30:01.

So you have some debt but you're also interested in investing your money - which should you do first? Well let's discuss some financial planning methods Gail The Note Gal talks about the pros and cons of investing in non-performing real estate notes
My expertise is in investing in 1st position liens secured by real .

Did you know that a home increases in value at an average of 2-3% per year
Did you also know that the S&P 500 grows at an average of 10.2% per year with Guest Vipool Desai joins Carmen and Jordan as the president of a compliance firm
He discusses some of the myths about mortgage investing, as well as some In this month's “Ask Bill!” episode, Bill answers questions on investing after 50 and after 70, using 401Ks, retiring in 5 years, techniques for increasing cash flow .

So you have some debt but you're also interested in investing your money - which should you do first? Well let's discuss some financial planning methods
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Should You Pay Off Your Debt Or Start Investing First Financial Planning
0:09 - Being in debt sucks
0:48 - Should you use your extra money to pay off your debt or start investing
1:11 - If you have high interest debts like credit card debt should you be investing
2:04 - Everyone should be investing but you need to be a smart investor
2:25 - You have low interest debts: mortgage, car payments, student loans should you be investing
3:10 - 4 questions to ask yourself to determine your investment risk tolerance
3:12 - Q1 your financial goals
3:50 - Q2 your age
4:10 - Q3 investing experience
4:50 - Q4 savings

What Is The Minority Mindset?
The Minority Mindset has nothing to do with the way you look or what kind of family you're from. It's a mindset.

Give the majority $200 and they will come back with a pair of shoes. Give the minority $200 they will come back with $2,000.

Think from the mindset of a consumer and be the provider, that's the Minority Mindset. Don't be the majority. #MIH #ThinkMinority #FinancialPlanning

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Video host: Jaspreet Singh

Other Video about Should You Pay Off Your Debt Or Start Investing First?:

S02 E05: The Myths of Investing

S02 E05: The Myths of Investing

Guest Vipool Desai joins Carmen and Jordan as the president of a compliance firm
He discusses some of the myths about mortgage investing, as well as some .

284: Ask Bill! Investing over 50 & Over 70, Fast Mortgage Pay-Off and Boosting Cashflow

284: Ask Bill! Investing over 50 & Over 70, Fast Mortgage Pay-Off and Boosting Cashflow

In this month's “Ask Bill!” episode, Bill answers questions on investing after 50 and after 70, using 401Ks, retiring in 5 years, techniques for increasing cash flow .

Pros and cons of investing in non-performing real estate mortgages (also known as NPLs)

Pros and cons of investing in non-performing real estate mortgages (also known as NPLs)

Gail The Note Gal talks about the pros and cons of investing in non-performing real estate notes
My expertise is in investing in 1st position liens secured by real .

How to make $3.4 million by investing vs paying a mortgage

How to make $3.4 million by investing vs paying a mortgage

Did you know that a home increases in value at an average of 2-3% per year
Did you also know that the S&P 500 grows at an average of 10.2% per year with .

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